
Developer Update 03.15.2014

Rating: 2 votes, 3.00 average.
The Xsyon PvE Server is ready and will launch Monday March 17th!

This is going to be a 'quiet' launch. Announcements and press releases will be made after the Peace server is open to the public.

At 1:00 AM PST, March 17th the Main Server will shut down as usual on maintenance days. Maintenance will last several hours as data is duplicated to the PvE Server.

A new launcher will be made available during the down time. Players will then be able to choose to play on either the War (PvP) or Peace (PvE) server!

The War server will be exactly the same as the current Main Server.

The Peace server will have two differences:
- Players will not be able to hit and damage other players.
- Players will not be able to loot other players.

The current data will be duplicated to both servers.

Players will be allowed to maintain one character on each server.

The PvE server has been the single most requested change since Xsyon's official launch and I'm looking forward to the return of players who've been waiting a long time for this!
Developer Updates


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  1. RosenBlod's Avatar
    Will there still be a test server available beside the War/Peace servers? If so, will it still be reset like it always has? (I like testing with my unspent skillpoints).

    Also, naming the server "War" gives it another meaning than naming it PvP; implying that war is raging between everyone, instead of just being the oppertunity it is.
    Updated 03-16-2014 at 07:18 AM by RosenBlod
  2. wastelandstoic's Avatar
    "The current data will be duplicated to both servers.

    Players will be allowed to maintain one character on each server."

    Some questions arise with two servers arriving. Will one existing account (name and password) now exist on both servers and be covered by $10 per month


    will we need to create a separate account for the PvE server and pay an additional $10 to maintain the character there?

    Also, if we have an inactive account now once the PvE server is up will we have the option to reactivate an account at a later time and play on either server with the inactive character/account?

    I'm sure there are other questions but those are the two that come to mind just now.
  3. fatboy21007's Avatar
    Sweet! ty!
  4. Eyesgood's Avatar
    Thanks for all the work!
  5. MAMTeles's Avatar
    Looking forward for the PVE server to open up tomorrow! Keep up the good work!
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