• War Server Is Up

    Peace Server Is Up

  • XsyonMaster

    Year 2012 AD

    War has destroyed life as we know it. The Apocalypse is at hand! Will you fight for justice to stop the chaos or will you join in the ranks of evil to bring upon the ultimate destruction of the earth?

    Modern technology has consumed itself. War has ravaged the planet, opening a rift to another reality. The survivors of the grisly destruction rise from the ashes of ruin to encounter a world that has changed. A world that once existed only in the realm of mythology, legend and imagination has become concrete and very real. You have forgotten the past and are welcomed by a new primitive future.

    With the disruption of the planet, ancient gods awake to once again exert their powers over the earth. The lords of nature have revived the wastelands, eradicating and subverting the remnants of modern technology. Creatures of mutation and mythology now populate the land. The ways of swords and sorcery have replaced the path of science and progress.

    You are a survivor. Your youth was spent lost in times of war. Your memories of the past with its machines, computers, bright lights and buildings reaching for the skies are vague and ever fading, a distant and unreal dream. You grow accustomed to ancient ways that now once again rule the world.

    The new world hangs in a moment of uncertainty. Though the rift in reality has called forth many benevolent gods and creatures, this truly is the time of the Apocalypse. The seven seals are about to be broken. The Four Horsemen loom over the land awaiting their chance to spread destruction and chaos. Devils and angels vie for control of their earthly battlefield.

    You know nothing. You’ve forgotten the past and have yet to learn the future. You are a lost soul in a strange barren world with little more than the shirt on your back. Little do you know you are destined to become a hero.

    Your path is one of choice. Will your actions help heal the planet or will you play a part in its ultimate doom? What will be the destiny of the Xsyon, the promised land?

    The future is in your hands.

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  • June Update!

    Hello Xsyon Citizens!

    It’s been quite a while since my last progress report. Things are coming along but there is still a little ways to go with the graphics update.

    The basic DirectX 11 update is done with a few minor effects that need to be converted or improved. Setting up the code for the many different combinations of effects and settings has unfortunately been very time consuming. I’ve also converted most of the code for switching to DirectX 12 (and then 13). Most likely I will release the DirectX 11 patch first followed shortly by the DirectX 12 option.

    I have set up conversion tools that allow me to modify the game world surfaces using World Machine which is a much better tool that Xsyon’s proprietary world builder. The process of exporting is still cumbersome so I need to finish creating a tool to speed up this process as I believe I will be able to create a much better surface distribution which will make the terrain look better especially at a...

    Xsyon 06-27-2024 06:10 PM

    January Update

    Hello Xsyon Citizens!

    As many of you know, there were big problems at the data center that hosts Xsyon's game servers over the past few weeks. I've been moving things around and also upgrading the database code.

    For now, there is a new Xsyon Launcher for players that play directly and off of Steam. You can find this launcher linked to in the old Launcher window or through your account page on the Xsyon website.

    I am testing out locations for a future and more final move but at the moment everything is up and running and I hope it stays that way!

    I am returning my focus to the game. I think it will still be a few months before I can release the DirectX graphics update. This mess at the data center was a big distraction but I continue to move forward with the code.

    XsyonMaster 01-18-2024 04:52 PM

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

    Xsyon is on sale at a big discount of 75% off through January 4th! We also have a few events coming up thanks to our Guide Team. Come join in the fun!

    Important Note:

    Unfortunately I am posting this announcement late as the Xsyon servers are currently unavailable. There is a major problem at the server host data center that is being dealt with and may take another 24 to 36 hours from the time of this post to resolve. Once the servers are back up I will work quickly to set up any players that attempted to create new accounts during this down time.

    I apologize for any inconvenience and thank players for your patience!

    XsyonMaster 12-26-2023 08:48 PM

    Xsyon Autumn Update!

    Hello Xsyon Citizens!

    I’ve been making steady progress with the DirectX graphics update. As I’ve mentioned before this is a massive update to the game engine. The code for most rendering functions had to be completely rewritten. This is a necessary step though so it will continue to be my focus until it’s done. We’re getting there!

    Since my last major report I’ve completed the following:
    - Improved lighting functions (torches, though not yet implemented will be finally possible!)
    - Fires.
    - New cloud system.
    - Reflections on water.
    - Sun and moon rendering implemented.

    XsyonMaster 10-16-2023 11:11 AM