• War Server Is Up

    Peace Server Is Up

  • XsyonMaster


    Jordi Grau Davis (Jooky)

    Jordi Grau Davis (that's me) studied for many years, earning Bachelor degrees in Archaeology and Architecture from the University of California Berkeley and a Master's degree in Architecture from Harvard University, only to leave it all behind for video games in 1994.

    I founded two game graphics companies, Vector Graphics and Future Primitive and have been in the game industry for 17 years. Through these companies I fulfilled contracts with Sony, Sega, Mindscape, Microprose, Virgin Interactive, Raven Soft, Hewlett Packard, Worlds Inc. and many other clients culminating with a publishing deal with Electronic Arts with only a four person team.

    As Future Primitive was disbanded, I continued working as both an artist and a programmer for several small independent projects for companies including Autodesk and Hurricane Electric, the latest being an online world Roma Victor which was released to the public in July of 2006.

    I founded Notorious Games LLC in 2007 with the intention of creating a unique virtual game world, the game I’ve been wanting to play since I first sat at a computer, Xsyon.

    Nikolay Hudentsov (Sergant)

    Nikolay Hudentsov has 11 years experience in the game industry as a programmer for Saturn Plus and a founder, project manager and lead programmer at Orion in Russia. His past projects include a slew of titles including Prince of Persia and Greedy Caliph, The Adventures of Kolobok, The Patriot, The Hunt and Metatron.

    Nikolay joins us as a physics and AI coding expert and is our lead combat programmer.

    Ilia Novikov (Limit)

    Ilia Novikov graduated in 2005 from Novosibirsk State University with a master Degree in Computer Graphics and earned his PhD in 2009. While pursuing his degrees, he worked as a lead programmer for a Crioland, developing in large part, the graphics for the spaceship simulator Tomorrow War.

    Ilia is our lead server programmer and plays a major role in developing all aspects of the game engine.

    Aleksey Egoshin (Azeroth)

    Aleksey Egoshin is a versatile designer and artist from Novosibirsk, Russia. From 2004 to 2007 he created characters for the game Refuze at Multisoft in Novosibirsk. His interests include history, armor, weaponry and hand to hand combat.

    Aleksey designs armor, weapons and buildings for the game and creates models, textures, terrain surfaces and interface artwork.

    Dmitriy Chernov (Draug)

    Dmitriy Chernov is a highly talented 3D modeler and texture artist from Novosibirsk, Russia. He earned his degree in physics from Novosibirsk State University. Immediately after he spent 5 years working with Crioland in Novosibirsk on the game Zavtra Voina (Tomorrow War).

    Dmitriy is our lead armor modeler and texturer. He also works on creature design and execution and various other modeling and texturing tasks.

    Evgeniy Myasnikov (Hunter)

    Evgeniy Myasnikov is a proficient 3D Max animator from Novosibirsk, Russia. He studied at the Novosibirsk College of Information Science and also worked as the lead animator for Crioland on the Tomorrow War project.

    Evgeniy is our lead animator working on all animations from basic human and creature movements to funky dance moves.

    Ilia Pantyhov (Wert)

    Ilia Pantyhov is an exceptional traditional artist from Novosibirsk, Russia. He has created concept art for various game projects including “Tomorrow War” (Zavtra Voina). His goal is to create fantastic characters and scenarios.

    Ilia designs armor sets and creates models, textures and interface artwork.

    Maurici Grau Ribes (Celestial Fury / Guide Mihr)

    Maurici Grau Ribes is from Barcelona, now living in Villanova i la Geltru near Sitges on the coast of Spain. He is an amazing professional musician and classical piano instructor for the past 10 years. He has been working since 1997 as an advertising company musician and has recently become interested in 3D worlds and game art.

    Maurici is in charge of sound and music in the game, also assisting with art direction, organization and modeling.

    Terrain Team

    Maria Egoshina
    Elena Trepkus
    Olga Kirichenko

    Additional Contributors:

    Aleksey Serbyakov: Programming
    Aleksander Strizhov: Programming
    Ekaternia Andreeva: Art
    Evgeniy Yurjev: Art
    Filipp Pavlov: Programming
    Ilya Kiryakin: Programming
    Jamie Eckmier: Design
    Joshua Jensen: Art
    Julio Rincon: Music
    Pepe Davis: Project and asset management
    Sloan Venables: Website and server administration
    Thiago Fagundes: Installer
    Yuri Vinokurov: Art

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  • January Update

    Hello Xsyon Citizens!

    As many of you know, there were big problems at the data center that hosts Xsyon's game servers over the past few weeks. I've been moving things around and also upgrading the database code.

    For now, there is a new Xsyon Launcher for players that play directly and off of Steam. You can find this launcher linked to in the old Launcher window or through your account page on the Xsyon website.

    I am testing out locations for a future and more final move but at the moment everything is up and running and I hope it stays that way!

    I am returning my focus to the game. I think it will still be a few months before I can release the DirectX graphics update. This mess at the data center was a big distraction but I continue to move forward with the code.

    XsyonMaster 01-18-2024 04:52 PM

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

    Xsyon is on sale at a big discount of 75% off through January 4th! We also have a few events coming up thanks to our Guide Team. Come join in the fun!

    Important Note:

    Unfortunately I am posting this announcement late as the Xsyon servers are currently unavailable. There is a major problem at the server host data center that is being dealt with and may take another 24 to 36 hours from the time of this post to resolve. Once the servers are back up I will work quickly to set up any players that attempted to create new accounts during this down time.

    I apologize for any inconvenience and thank players for your patience!

    XsyonMaster 12-26-2023 08:48 PM

    Xsyon Autumn Update!

    Hello Xsyon Citizens!

    I’ve been making steady progress with the DirectX graphics update. As I’ve mentioned before this is a massive update to the game engine. The code for most rendering functions had to be completely rewritten. This is a necessary step though so it will continue to be my focus until it’s done. We’re getting there!

    Since my last major report I’ve completed the following:
    - Improved lighting functions (torches, though not yet implemented will be finally possible!)
    - Fires.
    - New cloud system.
    - Reflections on water.
    - Sun and moon rendering implemented.

    XsyonMaster 10-16-2023 11:11 AM