Disable Mist Trade totems when totem isn't reachable.( like infirmaries)
issueid=2411 05-18-2016 03:06 PM
Xsyon Citizen
Disable Mist Trade totems when totem isn't reachable.( like infirmaries)
tribes have unreachable trade totems on global..

So, im not sure how many countless times i have tried to find another tribes Quest/Trade/Mist totem only to find it hidden some where you couldn't reach.
Like over here in 856 on war at 723/936

That totem shows up on global and iv'e ran over here like 3 times in the past month because i keep forgetting its closed off, that and im playing find the trade totem since i just get directions and distance.

Can we please apply the same rules to mist totems that are applied to infirmaries and recruitment totems?

heck even trade totems should be required to be on publicly accessible land.

Or can we at least have it so that guides can disable these and players can just report them?
Issue Details
Issue Number 2411
Issue Type Feature
Project Suggestions
Category Unknown
Status Acknowledged
Priority 5 - Medium
Suggested Version Unknown
Implemented Version (none)
Votes for this feature 0
Votes against this feature 2
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

05-20-2016 04:06 AM
Xsyon Citizen
Disagree. If someone, for whatever reason, want's to have a mist totem up but not accessible to anyone outside of their tribe that's their prerogative. What should happen in these cases is that trader should not show up on the global search.

05-21-2016 08:37 AM
Xsyon Citizen
I agree with Wastelandstoic.

05-26-2016 09:04 AM
Xsyon Citizen
Now see, I don't know if I agree with Wastelandstoic on this. I believe the mist totems were created as a money sink, but that being said I do believe they were to be used by everyone, including the small one man tribes. I am not sure it would be fair to only allow those with multiple accounts or who are lucky enough to recruit enough members to have a mist totem that they can secure only for themselves. Unfair advantages are just that, unfair. Right, you are going to say how is it unfair if a tribe works to recruit and grow? Just that, anyone who can afford to buy multiple accounts can have their own personal totem. Does this strike you as fair to those who want to play, want the bps, but cant really afford but just one account? The fact that a tribe can have them on their own tribe land, is the benefit, I don't think being able to keep them for their own personal use is the right answer. If you want the community to grow, you need to allow access and opportunity for new players to obtain schemes equally. New players can work very hard to get the money to buy the schemes from jobs, trades, etc. I am pretty sure if one is actually permitted to keep their own personal mist totem, then all tribes will eventually follow. THIS will not help the community to grow. I would like to know what the initial intention for the mist totem was and to have this cleared up. If nothing else, make the mist totems accessible on founders and open to all.

05-26-2016 01:02 PM
Xsyon Citizen
i honestly can't see a good reason to keep a mist trader away from public. in case i am REALLY in need for one particular recipe, and i select the tribe which have a chance to trade it, its still nonsense because: if everyone does it like this, it decrease the chances to get the recipe since i have to wait its available at my mist trader.

the building should have the same range for public as it got for a builder who want to move it/add materials/build it. still there is a chance its not reachable but then a guide should be able to disable the effect as it works for a infirmary.
why? well i bet nobody is going to buy ALL recipes at his place, he/she would run out of money anyway by the time, this way it should be reachable for ppl who maybe really look for the offered recipes.

06-01-2016 06:01 AM
Xsyon Citizen
If they didn't show up on global it wouldn't be an issue because people would never know, they wouldn't run halfway across the map only to find they couldn't access the totem and basically go "screw this game".

If its on private land then a big warning needs to pop up stating its not going to be accessible on global.

Xsyon is needs simple mechanics that make people want to play

06-02-2016 09:27 AM
Xsyon Citizen
Why should individuals who can afford to pay for multiple accounts have the advantage over those who only play one. If everyone who had a large tribe or had the money for many alts closed off their mist totems from the public, then wouldn't that be a pay to advantage? I see this as selfish and greedy and benefits NOT the game but the individual who exploits the control of a mist totem, locking it away so that only they can buy the items from it at their leisure or when they have the funds to do so. They simply don't want anyone else to get anything before they have the chance to do so. If this is to be the case, I strongly suggest removing control of mist totems and relocating them to founders island.

09-08-2016 12:35 AM
That is my totem lol, Friends/Allys of the tribe can just open the door and enter ^^