Fix for Lag Issue
issueid=454 03-16-2011 04:48 PM
Xsyon Citizen
Fix for Lag Issue
Suggestions based on observations with other players


I was talking to other players today in IRC and we were talking to Virtus about the lag issue and some of our observations.

What we are seeing is that Commands are able to be sent to the server with out a cooldown. If i put a ability on a hotkey such as hiding or scavaging im able to move around and just spam the button. I belive this is causing a backlog of the server/database checks.

eventually i will start to see multiple status bars one right after the other.

For Example, if bring up the Terraforming menu, and start to click "Clear Terrain" i will get "You can't clear on this surface" i was told a couple of times by players to just keep spaming it and eventually it will trigger the command.

This is the case with multiple commands such as scavaging, foreging, fishing.

What i suggest is that a command that impacts the world should have a cooldown, i click the command and a client side timer should wait at least 1 second before i can retry the command again, and if i click on it during that cool down the client should *NOT* send that to the server.

I was speaking with Cyrus and It was also suggested to implement a "maximum number of actions not treated by the server yet" with a soft counter on the client to prevent lag.
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Issue Details
Issue Number 454
Project Bugs Reports
Category Code - General
Status Fixed / Resolved
Priority 1 - Highest
Affected Version Unknown
Fixed Version (none)
Users able to reproduce bug 1
Users unable to reproduce bug 0
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

03-16-2011 05:16 PM
Xsyon Citizen
Ok, basically xyberviri seems right with a very basic idea. I'll try to explain it differently.

Server side
Fact : Actually, your server is too slow to handle a shitload of commands (and there are a ton of commands) when there is "too many" players logged on.
Fact : After a server reboot, there is a "10 minutes" lag free play for first logged in players, before too many commands hit your server.
Fact : When you ask players to log off, some do, and your server will remove their commands from the queue : the ones who stay online could play "4 minutes" lag free.
Fact : You are currently trying to pinpoint the commands that are too slow or cause memory leak on the server to decrease global lag and process the command queue faster.
Fact : Your command queue seems "infinite", because some commands will be answered to client minutes after, and none is discarded. (I tried a 5 minutes lag once ...)

Client side
Fact : Your command communication protocol is asynch, so the client can't wait a server answer after the player issued a command, it continue running and prompting for more commands.
Fact : Displayed lag is the "connectivity" lag, not the "command" lag (time you wait between gathering herb click and herb in inventory increase).
Fact : Some players are stupid or impatient, and will spam a button when it do "nothing" in-game.
Fact : We all play with lag and your queue system. So we press one button, another, another, another, and then the first command answer come back from the server, then the second, then the third ...
Fact : Some faggots are macroing and they don't use a timer. Their client issue a ton of command without any wait, increasing your total command queue.

Idea 1 : Implement a client-side "no retry yet" limit, to prevent button spamming on all commands and stupid macroing spamming, waiting for server answer (or cooldown if server answer could not be tracked).
Idea 1 : Implement a client-side "no retry yet" soft time-out, so the player could reissue his command in case of command loss on the wire or server side.

Idea 2 : Implement a client-side "not answered by the server yet" counter, counting the command in progress number, to track the client "command" lag, the one that matter.
Idea 2 : Implement a client-side "not answered by the server yet" maximum limit, to prevent the server queue explosion and transform the game in something playable by all.
Idea 2 : Implement a client-side "not answered by the server yet" time-out, so the player could reissue his command in case of command loss on the wire or server side.

More idea : Display "command" lag instead / with "connectivity" lag. Gather statistics on various commands if you have multiple queues.

Another idea : Implement a time-limited priority system on commands server-side to help with lag processing, like on critical system processing. Terraforming should be low priority in this system for example. It should help to regulate lag spikes.

Note : stomper said you didn't do a stress test because there was no need to do one. Bad. We are currently doing one for you. But we think that these ideas could help your server lag, not processing faster, but processing more smartly - only the one command we wait for, not the hundreds "before".

Conclusion :
With these limitations hard coded client side, your server will become lag free the time needed for you to pinpoint slower or bugged query without affecting your playerbase goodwill.
We may be wrong, you may have several parrallel queues for different types of commands or so, but you shoud, at least temporarly, limit the command queue increase client-side, that should prevent the lag easily.

Rewards :
Please credit xyberviri and Cyrus if this suggestion work. Blame them if it don't.

03-16-2011 05:33 PM
Xsyon Citizen
It's not just commands that are lagging though, although the lag could be coming from commands still. I noticed just walking around I'll eventually get to where I want to go, and see people there moving etc real time, however it takes a good 2 - 3 minutes of cycleing the names of places I walked thru, and then finally says I entered the place I've been standing in for nearly 3 minutes. This also makes commands look like they have a delay, which they do, but it's because the server doesn't understand you are even there yet. Scavaging junk piles I notice my resources seem to change even if I stand still sometimes, but rarely. This might be intended, I'm a new player trying to learn the game but it's insanely hard since I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, or it's the lag =/
Also I would assume it's server side lag, since my ping is generally 300 - 900ms (still high not high enough for the lag I'm experiencing, or maybe that's not updating properly either?)
Hope that helps.