Object busy - can not open bin
issueid=463 03-17-2011 12:41 PM
Xsyon Citizen
Object busy - can not open bin
Loging off while bin opens will block it (in heavy lag), object busy message appears

Reproduction steps (during lag only):

- Right click on bin and select open when context menu appears
- While open request is being processed force log off (kill app or press X)
- Log back in and your bin is blocked

Re-loging does not solve the problem, it can not be picked up or opened.
This issue is closed. No more replies may be made.
Issue Details
Issue Number 463
Project Bugs Reports
Category Code - Inventory & Items
Status Fixed / Resolved
Priority 1 - Highest
Affected Version Unknown
Fixed Version (none)
Users able to reproduce bug 3
Users unable to reproduce bug 0
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

03-17-2011 01:33 PM
Xsyon Citizen
Plague, I had a basket in our camp with the same error, I informed a Guide on the /h help channel. The Guide (thanks!) was at our camp within 5 minutes or so and from what he told us he then got the object ID of the basket and reported it. When I logged in the next day the basket was repaired. And yes, it seems this also happened when a tribe member logged off or disconnected during lag while the basket was open.