Graphic bugs since last patch
issueid=485 03-19-2011 05:11 AM
Xsyon Citizen
Graphic bugs since last patch

Hi there,
I've got some annoying graphic glitches which make the game unplayable.
These are new since last serverdown/patch (that 8hours thingy yesterday). I've never had these in Xsyon itself before and I didn't have problems like that in another game before, so I assume it's something about Xsyon and not about my computer..

I tried changing graphic options and redownloading that zone.file but both didn't help.

Please help, I want to play!


Edit: I've got an ATI 4890HD, forgot to write that. Almost newest drivers installed.
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Issue Details
Issue Number 485
Project Bugs Reports
Category Code - Graphics
Status Fixed / Resolved
Priority 1 - Highest
Affected Version Unknown
Fixed Version (none)
Users able to reproduce bug 4
Users unable to reproduce bug 0
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

03-19-2011 06:00 AM
Xsyon Citizen
I can confim i'm getting exactly the same glitches , runing an Nvidia GTX460 . Only started since the large maintenance / update .

03-19-2011 06:19 AM
Xsyon Citizen
I have grafic bug too, so bad that i cant even play, casue i dont see shit. Can u fix this bug asap? i want to play this game. I have geforce gtx580 and newest drivers.

03-19-2011 08:08 AM
Xsyon Citizen
Also tried updating drivers and stuff to current 11.2 Catalyst, still same issue.

03-19-2011 09:07 AM
Xsyon Citizen
bug is still there, wake up.. i want to play this game and only thing what i see is mega super big brown pixel, and sometimes i see half of my character..

03-19-2011 11:16 AM
Xsyon Citizen
Last server patch fixed that. Thank you very much.