Spinning character
issueid=530 03-21-2011 09:09 AM
Xsyon Citizen
Spinning character
Character stuck spinning, can move, gather and craft everything works exept im constanly spinning.

Was out exploring and alt tabbed to have a fast look at the zone map, have done this several time before and never had an issue if i get back to xsyon quickly. When i tabbed back in game this time i was spinning. Jumping running and /unstuck did not help. Relogged and i was still spinning. Spoke to GuideMihr who teleported in and killed me to see if that worked, it didnt. Can craft, gather, terraform, move(run in circles) etc while spinning.

After a server restart i was no longer spinning.
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Issue Details
Issue Number 530
Project Bugs Reports
Category Unknown
Status Fixed / Resolved
Priority 5 - Medium
Affected Version Unknown
Fixed Version (none)
Users able to reproduce bug 1
Users unable to reproduce bug 0
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

03-21-2011 10:36 PM
Xsyon Citizen
I bin slightly able to reproduce the bug but not whit great success. alt-tap in window mode to any other window Might trigger this bug, sometimes its jumping, sometimes its walking/running.
Does not happen often, in my cases it was not causing it to stay stuck. clicking on the game window a few times whit all buttons ( left middle right) brought the character back into my control.

(sometimes the mouse gets stuck to , the button pressing helps to unlock it.)