Variance in rain and snow fall
issueid=841 07-07-2011 10:47 AM
Variance in rain and snow fall

When it starts raining or snowing, at certain times have it start soft and get heavier instead of just instantly bucketing down, likewise have it slowly die away instead of suddenly ceasing.
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Issue Details
Issue Number 841
Issue Type Feature
Project Suggestions
Category Unknown
Status Acknowledged
Priority Unknown
Suggested Version Unknown
Implemented Version (none)
Votes for this feature 9
Votes against this feature 0
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

07-23-2011 07:28 AM
Xsyon Citizen
I think this was one of the things he was going to work on when he was trying to make accumulating snow work in-game. By the time he gave up on that he had to move on to other parts of the game. I hope Jooky will come back to this and fix it right.