issueid=1971 06-25-2014 05:13 AM

The positioning spikes at the corners of placed projects are no longer vanishing when the project is completed.
This issue is closed. No more replies may be made.
Issue Details
Issue Number 1971
Project Bugs Reports
Category Art - Objects & Buildings
Status Fixed / Resolved
Priority 5 - Medium
Affected Version Unknown
Fixed Version (none)
Users able to reproduce bug 0
Users unable to reproduce bug 0
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

06-25-2014 06:16 AM
Xsyon Citizen

would appear to be a graphical holdover, logging off and then back on removes them.

06-27-2014 06:10 PM
This has been fixed and patched out. Please confirm that the site peg and ropes are being removed correctly now upon building.

Thanks for the report!

06-28-2014 02:26 AM
Xsyon Citizen
I can confirm that they are no longer being left behind.

06-28-2014 11:45 AM
Thank you very much!