Terrain reversion going too far?
issueid=1979 07-07-2014 05:09 AM
Terrain reversion going too far?
items being reverted that should not

mO.Om... peeks out to see stuff gone.

If i am correct in what i read...Terrain reversion will be halted by completed buildings.

At first, I thought some Asshat had come by and dissassembled some of my base that was on public land. then i went to another players base because he had done the same...hmm did this Asshat do this to him too? I then bring up this issue in global and got the responce that some places the completed building did stop the reversion and in others they saw it had gobbled up the buildings.

So...I go around the map the other night and check for abandoned bases that are lets say way ugly and no one has been back for ages....I see that simple construction such as posts, floors, ramps have stopped the reversion and in some places i had to unstuck up a tower of dirt to diss assemble the one item. Ok...the process is working...no totem means the land there is now public and completed buildings can mean a post or a floor.

but back at my base on PVE, the floors i had placed down to make a bridge were now gone and the dirtwork reverted. Yes these were placed by moving my totem around since The camp is solo but no one is close to me and not affecting anyone. it was just astetically pleasing.

Is this a bug or working as intended?
Or did some Asshat do it?
the feedback thread was closed or i would have posted it there.

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Issue Details
Issue Number 1979
Project Bugs Reports
Category Code - World Terrain & Environment
Status Not a Bug
Priority 5 - Medium
Affected Version Unknown
Fixed Version (none)
Users able to reproduce bug 0
Users unable to reproduce bug 1
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

07-08-2014 08:30 AM

I have thoroughly investigated the issue including the area between your two tribes. The reversion respected the 10m buffer yet the constructions were absent right up to your tribe boundary, not respecting the 10m buffer. As the ground lowered beneath the area you had build up, the constructions would have remained 'floating' in the air. I queried the players online, many of which are extensive builders with many camps and none of them have had any issues with the terrain reversion affecting their constructions.

I also found none of your construction embedded in the ground.

I can only come to the conclusion that someone didn't respect your desire for a nice looking walkway and decided to remove it because they could. I am sorry for the inconvenience but can find no evidence of the game mechanics not working properly in this instance.

Thank you for being a Survivor and a vital part of Xsyon. We appreciate you and all our Survivors greatly.

07-08-2014 10:37 AM
Xsyon Citizen
mO.Om...peeks out from under his....umm...nothing since it was dissed.

Thank you for the diligence in looking into this. Just a small reminder to those that play the PVE (Candyland) that ...OK, you got what you wanted but there are still Asshats that will grief you and now what can you do about it...Cheese with your Whine is all. I have a good idea as to who has done this since they choose not to fight on PvP...this is his only chicken way to get back at me.

Crawls back into the nothing and waits for a passing Pine martin