Instead of PVE server make this current server Primarily PVE with one or 2 zones PVP
issueid=1898 01-19-2014 05:57 PM
Instead of PVE server make this current server Primarily PVE with one or 2 zones PVP
Make this Server PVE with the exception of 2 zones so that the population is not split

Hey all,
I was talking with some people in TeamSpeak and most of them believe that making the one server PVE with the exception of acouple of zones that are PVP. This would be mean that the population would not be split and you could keep the server as PVE by name which will keep both parties happy.

In those PvP zones there should be more resources but extreme or high danger, and when you enter these zones there would be a clear PVP warning sign.

Also for steam extend the mist out so there are fresh zones for new players to settle in.

This idea isn't greatly constructed but I think you all can get the idea.

Any opinions are greatly appreciated :)

Kind Regards,
Proud Leader of The Valorinak Republic
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Issue Details
Issue Number 1898
Issue Type Feature
Project Suggestions
Category Unknown
Status Rejected
Priority 1 - Highest
Suggested Version Unknown
Implemented Version (none)
Votes for this feature 5
Votes against this feature 4
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01-19-2014 10:59 PM
Xsyon Citizen
I am also not happy with the idea of an seperated PVE-Server. Its still a riddle for me, why so much ppl actually want a PvE-Server.
Only reason i think of, is that the ppl are pissed when they loose all the gear by some PKers. Ans if so ...why not grouping up, hunting the one/group?

Also heared the rumor of a copy of the actual server , what will mean that there the tribes will be copied too. A lot of tribes at PvE-Server will then decay, which means the PvE-Server will get most of the best resources from them, means in a couple of months PvE-Server will have all resources they need and at least will get bored pretty quick?

Agree to the mentioned arguments, ZD concluded from the talk and the idea of a mixed server.

01-20-2014 01:48 AM
Xsyon Citizen
I agree, I think splitting the servers would hurt the current server and likely the new PVE server will not fair well either. I think the best option would simply add new zones (the ones you already have made and ready to go) to make about 50% of the new zones PVP. Change all the current zones and 1/2 the new zones to PVE only.
This allows people to still have the best of both worlds. Clear warning to the people that going into the PVP areas that it's open PVP and full loot.

Example would be.

Add in the North zones 1132 to 1145, 1092 to 1105 (26 new zones all PVP areas)
Add in the South zones 572 to 585, 612 to 625 (26 new zones all PVE areas)
Add the linking zones on the East and West ( 665, 705, 745, 785, 825, 905, 945, 985, 1025, 1065) as PVE zones.

This would make most of the map but 26 new zones in the north PVE. Making the server a PVE server but giving people the option and rewards to goto the PVP area if they want, you could even give rewards in the PVP areas as in maybe faster resource gathering like ZaDocta was saying.

Key is keeping everyone on 1 server, and still keeping them happy. I think most of us can agree that the server PVP state of the game is not really a major issue, but removing tribes to split servers wouldn't be a good either.

01-20-2014 02:17 AM
Xsyon Citizen
I think we should have a mostly PVE server with some PVP areas. I believe that with those areas should come with some form of warning stating that you are entering an area where you may be potentially killed. I personally would be discouraged and annoyed with the game if a whole entire new server was made JUST for PVP. I wouldn't like that because It takes away the fun and excitement of not knowing who to trust or not, which in my opinion is a huge part of the game, although I do understand and agree with safe heavens like founders island and tribe camps.

I really hope I can change your mind xsyon.

01-20-2014 04:09 AM
Xsyon Citizen
....... but removing tribes to split servers wouldn't be a good either.
that would also split tribes themselves, which have mixed (pvp-liking and pve-only-wanting) members.
you might, softwarelike, leave the pvp-server leaving members as "ghostcitizens" at the tribe, but you will destroy the community which has built up.

I wouldn't like that because It takes away the fun and excitement of not knowing who to trust or not
TY! thats a bigbig point too!

01-20-2014 08:49 AM
Xsyon Citizen
I think PVP and PVE being on one server but splitting them up into danger zones (PVP) and safe zones (PVE) . It would help both types of players out in the long run , the PVE Tribes could supply a few PVP Tribes with things they might need but don't have the skill in and in turn the PVP players would protect the PVE players at the same time . PVE and PVP being on the same server would be a win for both types of players .

01-21-2014 06:18 AM
Xsyon Citizen
I like this suggestion/idea especially the details of using the new zones as PVP areas -offered by DDT. I don't know how feasible it would be to get in before Steam release but certianly something to shoot for.

01-21-2014 10:48 AM
Xsyon Citizen
Why not just let players choose wether they want to pvp. Once you activate your pvp flag however make it permanent.

01-21-2014 10:48 AM
Xsyon Citizen
Hello...Glorp here...yes still alive and living under a rock.

I love Pvp but with my Heart condition i cant do it for long. I dont know how servers work as in terms of how and where you get them or where you place them to get max fps/ping. If the current code is the limiting factor on how many people a server could hold i could see why but if not I would lean more towards the idea shared here in these threads. One server with PvP zones imo will retain more players than making seperate servers. Having the element of entrigue/danger to be rewarded better by entering these zones is a wanted Human Trait. Sure there are Care bears out there that just want to build their Horse corral and pet the tamed Hamsters, but they can still be satisfied on one server. The global chat would also increase thus making it feel less lonely.
Just a side note: chatting with others whom have closer contact to you and hearing more in depth as to what your vision is/was in more detail....I just want you to know that I am one of the few that is playing closer to how you wanted a player to grow in the game...I do the actions to achieve what can be attained...yes it takes longer but I am still here and wanting to return ea day to see what unfolds. Keep up the good work and at least evaluate what we are saying.

01-21-2014 10:55 AM
Xsyon Citizen
also I do not think pve players should be penalized in game by having to go to a pvp zone to obtain resources only available there it defeats the purpose and is not truly a pve server. After some thought I do not think two servers would be detrimental to the game because several people would want 2 accounts one for pvp and one for pve or at least I would but maybe that's just me.

01-21-2014 11:00 AM
Xsyon Citizen
Quote Originally Posted by joebgrape
also I do not think pve players should be penalized in game by having to go to a pvp zone to obtain resources only available there it defeats the purpose and is not truly a pve server. After some thought I do not think two servers would be detrimental to the game because several people would want 2 accounts one for pvp and one for pve or at least I would but maybe that's just me.
You wont need 2 accounts to do PVE and PVP. You can play on both/either server. After they are cloned you would just log on to that server.
You might think of it more as 2 chars on the same account.

You can think of it as penalized or you can think of it as being rewarded for PVP areas. I agree I can understand that, however, if that is a major issue simply put the same reward in the "extreme" PVE areas and poof same thing for both camps, I don't think it is best to do that but either one works.
Every game I know that has PVP areas are "rewarded" in some way for that. Whether its a title, or different gear, or more exp, all of them I've ever played have been like this.

01-21-2014 11:02 AM
Xsyon Citizen
.....but maybe that's just me
guess so. i would stay with both on pvp :P

best is to make the pve-players a server where they have 1-click-win-situation. cause thats how they want it.

01-21-2014 11:16 AM
Xsyon Citizen
also I do not think pve players should be penalized in game by having to go to a pvp zone to obtain resources only available there
back with some earnestness:
pvp-areas would have more risk for the players there to loose everything. so why not rewarding them somehow to take that risk?
you wanna stay save in your pve-area and have the good hides? trade em with the players who are taking the risk 4 example. or go there by yourself to get em. i dont think that would be a penelty for you. Also, you could make groups to be more safe in such risky areas. you would need to group up anyways if youre hunting the big critters or get the other special stuff.

01-22-2014 04:15 AM
My opinion on this is as follows and is in part based on the fact that we do not know the goals or future intentions of the development staff with regards to PvE and PvP gameplay development.

The current population obviously does not support a split server. Yet many gamers won't try a game with a PvP label even if there really is not any significant PvP in the game. They won't research it or try it. I am not sure how much that will apply to a joint PvE/PvP server based game. Most games, not all of course, have separate servers for each. Some games have the basic concept designed around a PvP area on an otherwise PvE setting. Then there is UO which let you port basically from a PvE version to a PvP version of the same world all on the same character and server. So, I do not have the data to determine the impact of this concept with regards to drawing in new players vs a pure PvE world, but from a business standpoint I am sure that must be a huge determining factor. I realize what I like isn't as important to the future of Xsyon as what the overall average MMO sandbox player base likes.

Then there is the issue with just how much population the server can really support before the lag renders it unplayable. I don't have the data for this but based on that data, it may be far better to split the servers if there is expected to easily be enough influx of players to actually cause players to not stay with the game due to the lag of too many players on the server.

Then there is the issue of coding and what is required to support a joint game situation like that proposed vs the current 2 server proposition. With a 1 man dev team, resource allocation is at a premium and is a very strong determining factor I would suspect.

All of that said, I do like the suggestion greatly if that is in the best interests of the game. My one really strong concern with regards to server types is that many games have tried these various combinations and the most successful games have not really mixed the two types of environments. They have separate PvP and PvE servers as well as often having RP servers. So, without the information the dev has access to and his proposed future growth of the game and various rule concerns and exploitation preventions, it is difficult to determine what will be best. That is a decision he has to make.

I will be happy with whatever is best for Xsyon, brings us more players and a more robust gaming experience. I do like this concept though, if it all works out to be best case for the game.

Sorry the post is so long.

01-22-2014 04:15 AM
Xsyon Citizen
I am all for having ONE server with pvp in certain areas with the warnings when entering those areas. This is a great game, but take out the pvp aspect of it....then the danger and excitement is all gone. I don't do much pvp and I actually call myself a non-pvpr. But I enjoy having that in the game and there are times I am "braver" than usual so I will attempt those types of things and enjoy it. I wish only the best for Xsyon and it's continued success.

01-24-2014 10:33 AM
Xsyon Citizen
Forcing PvP into a specific set of zones is a bandaid fix that will, inevitably, run off anyone who enjoys the PvP of the game. Think about it from the pkers perspective... you're effectively setting aside a very small area for the PvP to happen in a game that goes in realistic direction on that front.

Your atmosphere has been killed, you're forced into a small box for fights, and removed an entire aspect of the game; playing the bandit is now impossible. The only people that will be there are other pkers. That sounds fantastic for the PvE minded individual, but it removes absolutely any and all incentive for any person looking for the open PvP that's ALREADY BEEN ADVERTISED because the core concept of being marauding post-apocalyptic psychopath has been eradicated.

Making a zone-specific formula work would require an entire overhaul to the resource system that would force players from all over the map to want to go to these zones, which means they'd have to be spread out and within reach by everyone to get at what ever necessary resource is contained therein. This isn't going to happen anytime soon because the development team is stretched thin as it is...

I'm sure the devs already know this, and wont even consider anything along these lines unless greenlight brings in the players to support it. I'm genuinely concerned by the amount of support for this idea, and by how enthusiastic people are about the idea of a game that strives to emulate post-apocalyptic chaos and struggles being stripped of its fundamental of dangers.

01-24-2014 11:20 AM
Xsyon Citizen
Winkers, you make a solid point but I don't believe it to work quiet like you think.
Currently the whole world is PVP and that creates many issues for both PVPers and PVEers. The biggest issue lack of ways to track/find people. Also other issues of no loss really.
With limiting it to a a relatively small area, you have a hard time finding the PVP even with a lot more people. PVP isnt happening, and really no reason to PVP. Any PVPer is going to have much better gear/items than the person they are attacking. At least limiting it to a smaller area more PVPers will be able to meet up and fight (as they want).
Another part of it is that PVP areas would have a reward to being in these areas with this idea. Bringing a reason to PVP and fight for a contested resource/area.
You say it would require an entire overhaul yet, it wouldn't they already have that system in place. (Extreme areas yeild better resources than Low areas) They already have the PVP/PVE area flags too, with Founders Isle/Tribe areas.

Having PVP areas would still allow for the post apocalytic areas, more so than we have now because people would be able to find other fighters. Currently, we have safe areas ANYWHERE/EVERYWHERE. Because the area is so big, there just isn't any fighting going on for PVP.

I also expect that the option that Xsyon is planning currently is likely much worse for PVPers. Pretty much the current PVP ruleset will be in place with no other support for PVP. No contested totems, no sieges, no special resources, nothing.

01-27-2014 07:03 AM
Xsyon Citizen
First of all, i would say Jordi needs to stick to the original dream he had for the game. For those of you that haven't heard the interview he did ages ago for the podcast "the sandbox" i suggest you go listen to it now. Jordi's vision for the game is amazing and I am worried that if he listens too much to us it will taint that dream. This game was setup to attract the full loot pvp sandbox crowd and that is exactly what attracted me. To water that down with pvp zones is, imho, watering down jordi's dream for the game. They should think of a way to penalise people who player kill for no reason. For example, if a player is killed on sight for no reason he can report this and if that player gets a certain number of these reports it somehow effects him in the game. The problem is finding a way to do this that will work and won't be abused. As a crafter non combat player I love the thrill of "everytime I go out of my tribe i could be killed feeling". As long as there is balance and there is a way to discourage meaningless player killing. It would bore me no end to already know 100% when i am safe or not in the world.

It's late so my ideas might not have been expressed with perfect clarity but i hope i have made some sense!!

01-27-2014 08:25 AM
Xsyon Citizen
to me it makes absolutly sence, wazcool.
i think most poster here agree with you - just dont want the server to be split, but also have empathy for the ppl who eager, of somehow maybeeeeee also understandable resons, for an own pve server ...and so we tried to get all longings under one hat. *sighs*

and I am worried that if he listens too much to us it will taint that dream.
it seems tainted already with his announcement, that there will be a seperated pve-server.
quote from the developer update 01/10/2014:

My goals right now are:

Fix bugs and release important optimizations.
Implement a full tutorial system and additional in game information where needed.
Fully test the terrain reversion system.
Launch the upcoming PvE server.
Finish, test and release the farming and cooking systems. (These need to be released simultaneously for the systems to have value in game).

01-30-2014 04:27 PM
Xsyon Citizen
Would not work well both pvp and pve on one server, you will always have conflict between two, the best way is to have two separated servers, so no-one argue about, "not enough pvp or pve".
If pve server added, it should be clean land never touched by player, no coppies of a current server....

01-31-2014 02:59 AM
Xsyon Citizen
Hey I am new to this game and I also believe the servers should be kept as one, this makes the gameplay a whole lot bettter, the full looting system is amazing and one of the main things that caught my eye about this game, i agree with keeping some zones pvp and some pve, and this would also make a bigger commnuity on one world.
