New Mason Post grabbing our attention.
issueid=2318 12-15-2015 02:27 PM
New Mason Post grabbing our attention.

Love the new mason posts! But....we've discovered a bit of an issue with them. We used the yak post to build columns next to our castle and when they're stacked on top of one another, (may happen with a single post, didn't think to test that, sorry) anytime we run next to them, or at them due to lag ...or mismanagement of the mouse control for some lol....we run inside it instead of stopping and get stuck and cannot get out. Someone has to come and dismantle them to release whomever is stuck. This has happened a few times now and we've tested it a bit....there's no collision to stop you from going inside it, and at times even running past it closely it seems to suck you right in. We haven't tested the issue with the new Len post.

We also noticed a few labeling discrepancies with the Len post. When ghosted it is called the Mason Len Post, however once built, if you click on it it's labeled Mason Lenkun Post ....which is a different post of course. Also, I believe that the Yak post's collision error is worded incorrectly. We've had a Yak post placed and built, a few times when I was pushing something next to it, I was given a "Mason Len Post" is in the way collision message, when it's of course the Yak post. These are all things we noticed a few days ago, so little bugs may have already set themselves right. Just thought I'd mention it while I was here.
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Issue Details
Issue Number 2318
Project Bugs Reports
Category Unknown
Status Fixed / Resolved
Priority Unknown
Affected Version Unknown
Fixed Version (none)
Users able to reproduce bug 0
Users unable to reproduce bug 0
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

12-20-2015 07:18 PM
I updated the files for this and it should all be correct now.

Please confirm, or let me know if there are still issues with these new posts.


12-21-2015 02:00 AM
From the looks of it, seems to be fixed. We weren't able to get into one when we tested this evening.

Thank you!

12-22-2015 10:38 AM
Sounds good. I'll close this one. Thanks!