Who's Online
issueid=1349 11-30-2011 06:52 AM
Xsyon Citizen
Who's Online

Is there any thought into putting in a who's online option. Especially for your friends list or tribe mates. I like to know when I log in, if a friend is online or any other tribe mates. I know I can /t or /w but it would be nice to be able to click social and see who's online not just who I have added to my friends list. Maybe also a last online date, so its easier to see who is inactive and such.
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Issue Details
Issue Number 1349
Issue Type Feature
Project Suggestions
Category Unknown
Status Implemented
Priority Unknown
Suggested Version Unknown
Implemented Version (none)
Votes for this feature 10
Votes against this feature 0
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

12-21-2011 03:49 AM
Xsyon Citizen
Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT
Mechna, no need to discuss good/evil here.

I know what the picture was meant for. I made another point that had nothing to do with the picture. Point is still there. This is a sandbox game, with FFA PVP, and full loot. You dont want a /who function to see where people are, who is online, etc.
after reading fyrex's post a few times i fail to see the request for a /who function to see where people are in game as far as a check to see who is online we have the whisper function at the moment to do just that type in persons name with the /w command and if they are online the whisper will go thru if they are not it will do a 0 players with this name we just dont have a gui feature that lists everyone online.
