Account password inconsitencies
issueid=1866 11-01-2013 04:25 PM
Account password inconsitencies
The account password lenght requirement between the website, the patcher and the game client seem to be different.


I noticed a discrepancy of the accepted password length between the website, the patcher and the game client. Here's the break down.

I was able to register a XSYON account with a twenty character password.
I was able to log into the website and game patcher with that password without a problem.
The game client however rejected my password and any login attempt failed.
I tried to change my password to something of similar length via the account page, but I got an error message saying that the maximum password length is set to twelve.

I changed my password now to something suitable, but all these login dialogs should enforce the same password policy otherwise this can get confusing.

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Issue Details
Issue Number 1866
Project Bugs Reports
Category Unknown
Status Fixed / Resolved
Priority Unknown
Affected Version Unknown
Fixed Version (none)
Users able to reproduce bug 0
Users unable to reproduce bug 0
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

01-16-2014 09:10 PM
Issue Changed by Xsyon
  • Status changed from Unconfirmed to Fixed / Resolved