prevent totem dropping on owned carts
issueid=2687 05-25-2020 11:50 AM
prevent totem dropping on owned carts

Carts becoming abandoned after x amount of time, so there is already a feature in place to claim carts from other players if they are not in use.

So letting someone drop a totem on your cart, so they can build a box around it and prevent you from getting your cart before it becomes abandoned, so they can steal it off you, seems like a exploit more than legitimate gameplay.

My suggestion is that if a cart is active, that you cannot build anything in the tribe till the cart is removed.

If its abandoned you should be able to claim it, than drop a totem.

But if its still active, this opens up for levels of grief and abuse that shouldn't be in the game in my opinion by letting players totem drop carts and cage them.

I'm all for a raiding system, but this is not a raiding system, this is someone holding onto your carts inside of a protected tribe zone till they expire two weeks later, this is not fun gameplay and is exploiting the totem drop on alt accounts.

The two ways I can think of moving a cart off tribe area:

1) let the tribe leader move it ~ keep it locked on panel menu cuz it will be equipped ~ auto drop it 5m outside of tribe so they cant take off with it and take it to another tribe.

2) auto pushing, the game shoves the cart to the edge +5m away from the tribe area.

This has been edited and updated with a refined suggestion to avoid confusion of multiple suggestions.
Issue Details
Issue Number 2687
Issue Type Feature
Project Suggestions
Category Unknown
Status Rejected
Priority 1 - Highest
Suggested Version Unknown
Implemented Version (none)
Votes for this feature 0
Votes against this feature 1
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

06-08-2020 06:26 PM
"My suggestion is that it's not broke enough to worry about. This happens so rare, that it's not worth the time to code in for a very limited set of issues. Even if you remove the guide issue. You can put in the fact your cart is not meant to be 100% safe outside tribe area. Which even with your suggestion it would not be."

I disagree, massively, I think if we had a thousand players we would see this happening ALOT more.

I understand with the 10 players on pvp atm its not a huge issue, but add a thousand players? hundeds of carts? it'll happen, why pretend like it won't? Why balance a game for 10 players instead of thousands we hope to one day have?

You seem content with the game as is, I am not.

With respect; this comment is not helpful at all.

" Even if it did, the guide should say "Sorry, can't help you, your cart is not safe off tribe lands". Which is why they have the "unsafe" tag also."

? If it was a INTENDED FEATURE of course they would say sorry cant help you.

But its NOT a intended feature, its a exploit, why would a guide say they can't help you with a exploit that is NOT a intended feature?

Why do I have to ask a guide to get it out due to it not being a intended feature? Why can't we make it not possible?

If its in the game, people are going to do it and think its a intended feature, by making it impossible to do, you are showing that its not a intended game feature.

I feel like we're going in circles, you seem to have severe issues with reading comprehension since you don't seem to be following anything I'm saying, or your responding as if I never said them.

06-08-2020 06:28 PM
Look, if this is a "intended feature" than I'm doing it to EVERY cart I see.

This means the rates of this happening are about to go up MASSIVELY, or, its not a intended feature and we should make it so players can't do it.

06-08-2020 06:29 PM
If this is a intended feature, whats to stop me from suggesting everybody use's this exploit from now on?

Its a exploit (using a unintended feature of the game to do something not intended to be done in the game) to get it done, yet you don't seem to care about that.

Are you new to game design? You don't seem to be following any of this.

06-08-2020 07:05 PM
Xsyon Citizen
Quote Originally Posted by Static
If this is a intended feature, whats to stop me from suggesting everybody use's this exploit from now on?

Its a exploit (using a unintended feature of the game to do something not intended to be done in the game) to get it done, yet you don't seem to care about that.

Are you new to game design? You don't seem to be following any of this.

No, I'm not. I feel like you think because someone disagrees with you, that they don't know something.

Carts are marked "unsafe" for a reason. Because they are not safe.

I do care, but that's assuming it is one. Which again I don't know this. I also think that players should be able to get the spoils of war. If someone kills me while I have my cart. I expect that if I do not get that cart back in time, I will lose it. I see no issue here.
Even if someone doesn't kill me. It could be simply I log off. I expect that is not safe.

Look, I think you feel strongly about this, but can't see past that it happened to you once and someone took your stuff. It's OK. But offering bad ideas to fix things that are not really an issue is not going to make the game better, its going to waste time on something that a dev does not need to worry about coding.

I say have at it. Drop a totem on every cart in the wild. I don't think many people will be surprised to find their carts are taken. After a few days or weeks. I never really see carts laying about in the wild unless they are on tribe lands.

I think at this point, you've said and explained enough of your beliefs and so have I. I'm good to leave it at we disagree on how important it is, but that this fix will be mostly good enough if Xsyon felt it was worth the effort to code for however many cases he believes it would be effected.

06-08-2020 07:14 PM
"Carts are marked "unsafe" for a reason. Because they are not safe."

Why are they unsafe? Aside of this exploit they are unsafe ONLY cuz they would expire in 2 weeks, NOT cuz someone could totem drop it, your again twisting things around to support your point of view and justify a exploit that is a unintended feature from being fixed.

The only thing I feel strongly about right now is that you trying to strawman me into saying something I'm not saying, than talking verse the strawman you just created.

"Look, I think you feel strongly about this, but can't see past that it happened to you once and someone took your stuff. It's OK. But offering bad ideas to fix things that are not really an issue is not going to make the game better, its going to waste time on something that a dev does not need to worry about coding."

I don't care if it happened to me, actually, it was fun till the guides showed up and stopped me, so your WILDLY off base here, I don't care that it happened, I'm trying to improve the game here, the guides told me to stop using exploits, so I'm attempting to stop exploits from being in the game...

I'm trying to better the game, your trying to find a excuse to discredit me.

I feel I have been extremely patent with you but at what point do I say; go away if you can't offer any better suggestions.

I'm trying to make the game better, not deal with you.

06-11-2020 04:26 AM
I'm not going to change the current system for now.

Having carts block totem placement just opens up more griefing situations.

The situation you are wanting to address has happened so rarely that the only time I've heard a complaint about it is now.


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