Improve economy and value of Founders Island
issueid=2463 10-16-2016 02:55 PM
Improve economy and value of Founders Island
Consider adding NPCs as detailed here to help the economy and bring value to founders island

As the population of the server is very low (less than 10 people on most days), the "player driven" economy is really lacking. Often you cannot find people selling, even on trade totems things you might want. Like wise it can be weeks before something you are trying to sell even gets looked at let alone purchased on a totem.

How many times over the years have I returned to the game, met up with new tribes in my area or even on the other side of the map and created awesome relation ships with trade/commerce, only to have real live kick in and that tribe goes silent. No more trade with them often means the economy that exited because of that commerce is now gone... If there is no consistent base line for basic trade in the game... it become a solitary survival game with very limited interaction. I think that adding an NPC presence would strengthen the games economy if done right.

I like the idea of player driven economy and I am full support of it going forward, however I'd like to make some suggestions where NPC's could really help maintain a minimum base line for the economy and founders island could become a relevant location and make the surrounding locations more valuable. NOTE: I do not live any where near founders so this is not about making my tribe more relevant. I'm down in 768.

Add NPC's to Founders island to make it relevant and the tribes around it more traveled.
If Founders island has NPC's that provided some basic merchant services this would bring more traffic to this area and thus make the land/tribes around it more traveled. This would also provide more value for people to make their way to this location to do business.

Services that Founders island could provide.

Broker service NPC: This npc could be used by players to help transport goods to founders island for pickup. This would tie in to the totem system and would use actual players to move the product to/from founders island. this would be much like the contract system used in EvE to move goods. With this, players could run contract delivery from a totem to the broker as well as deliveries from the broker to the totems of those that are looking to buy product. This npc would also have a listing of whats for sale at tribes trade totems provided the data has been updated recently (with in 7 real life days) *see note on Information Collector NPC. This would open up a new area of play for those more interested in moving goods or filling contracts.

General goods merchant: This npc would use a similar model to WURM where the npc only has a limited quantity of cash on hand refreshed on regular intervals (small amount at a time). The intent is to provide a small influx of cash where new players can sell goods they produce to this vendor to make some starting capital for trade with other players. The goods sold to the vendor would be marked up and made available to players to buy creating another cash removal function from the game to keep the value of cash up as well as provide a location others can buy basic goods others have sold to the merchant. It would be important use the quality of the item as a base for increase of sell value as well as buy value but to insure that this is capped so that Master or possibly Artisan items could not be sold to a vendor. This would retain the value of crafted items being only available by way of other players and keep the interaction of trade valued. It would also prevent the players with access to high end goods from cleaning the merchant out of their fund fast.

Information collector: This npc is focused on keeping tabs on the tribes and the activity. This npc would promote visiting tribes around the map. This npc keeps a list of tribe member count & number and class of items for sale. This ties directly in with the brokers. as long as the tribe data has been updated with this npc within 7 days updated items for sale on the trade totem will be listed with the broker.
Players looking to do census collection work for money would visit the collector to pickup a census tablet, this would be used to go around to each tribe (tablet will expire after 7 days if not returned). visiting a tribe totem and viewing the roster to get the count of users will provide basic census data on the table. Returning with just the count for the tribe would be rewarded with the base level of compensation based on the distance of the tribe totem from the information collector. returning with the count as well as the listing of items for sale on the trade totem at the tribe would be rewarded for additional compensation based on the distance of the tribe totem from the information collector.

The general idea with each of these is to promote a healthy economy with things to do even when the population is low. Providing such things should also aid in drawing more players to the game is there is more to do even with others are not online.
Issue Details
Issue Number 2463
Issue Type Feature
Project Suggestions
Category Unknown
Status Acknowledged
Priority 5 - Medium
Suggested Version Unknown
Implemented Version (none)
Votes for this feature 0
Votes against this feature 0
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

10-16-2016 03:24 PM
Smells of pve not sure how contracts etc would go on pvp if the guy transporting was killed an looted. Would love to see some kind of Auction Totem though.

10-16-2016 08:43 PM
Quote Originally Posted by Hero
Smells of pve not sure how contracts etc would go on pvp if the guy transporting was killed an looted. Would love to see some kind of Auction Totem though.
Are goods not transported on PVP when you make an exchange?
Or do you just exploit the travel with goods on death?

10-17-2016 12:27 PM
Pretty sure when there were people to trade with (before they all slacked to pve lego server) everyone used death port, atm wouldnt know as no one to trade with really.

10-17-2016 01:11 PM
Xsyon Citizen
The economy is bad in Xsyon because there is no demand for anything. Carts are in demand maybe and Blue prints. But now you can get the Blue Prints on the totem. You can make everything you need. Maybe not the highest quality but you can make everything you need. I think there needs to be items in the game that are not player created...Potions, bandages, food items, travel tokens to use to get back and forth to tribe or flounders, etc. These items could be either scavenged or sold only on a totem at founders (would encourage travel) and offer healing. That really needs to be in game. I don't know really. Combat is broken. Fix combat then trade would follow. Players would want quality weapons and armour. We need a reason to want money and a reason to spend it once we get it.

10-20-2016 04:34 PM
Winky i agree with everything you said ^^ great points and ideas.

10-21-2016 08:44 PM
Xsyon Citizen
On the fence a bit with this.

First of all the player count is very low so trades are almost none existant.
Player trading would go up a lot if there were more players, it was like this in the past, Trading was ok
But as the Pop dropped off so did everything else.

So does jordi alter the game so that it works for a very low population rather then actually working on getting more players ?
I think that would be counter productive.

The real goal is get to the player pop up to the 100s if not the more, then trading would be fine.
Right now its less then 10 per day for both servers, according to steam (Not that I ever use the steam client)

But what do you do to get the player pop up ?
That should be the aim. these are suggestions for the syptom rather then the cause.

For whatever reason players dont stick around, new ones join, play for a while then leave.

Right now, New players find it hard to get cash, even though they can scav for it.
So maybe some sort of NPC Vendor that will buy their items to give them a bit of starting cash could be used.

Scavving can be boring but it is the only way to bring new $$ into the game, so at the moment thats what you have to do.

10-30-2016 09:26 PM
That is a good idea but people with 40 alts would just reroll an keep selling the items to the vendor for cash, if starting items were changed so instead of moderate normal items they were something like "Noob Saw" etc (ikr just playing how about "Starter Saw" etc) and they cannot be sold it could work but people with massive stock piles would have millions of $ from it.
Maybe just up the rate you get $ from scav and also add them to forage and pulling grass you occasionally find $ on the ground.

From what i see people quit soon after joining due to either having no idea what to do like trying to use a pick to mine a boulder for rocks,
having no ranged and getting killed by a rabbit and that tribe lead cant let them build and dismantle again due to alters that grief an dismantle tribes from within so noobs cant be given build an dismantle permission, a way to give them land of their own and a perm that only lets them build/dismantle on that land would be great.

Most of them all want to build their own houses not be given a tent or ready built house as this is sandbox an people come to build.

11-01-2016 12:56 AM
Trade is a recurring discussion.

The root problems limiting trade are:

- Not enough players

- Not enough players that actually want to trade. This is crucial. Many times I've seen that the supply is there (players setting up trade hubs) and the demand is there (other players contacting support because they can't find or craft a specific item - which is available for sale) - but many players simply prefer gathering and crafting everything for themselves

First we need to get the population back to higher levels. This will happen once I start rolling out updates (many are in progress right now). After that, there are certainly a few things that can be tweaked and addressed, but they need to be in tune with a larger population.

Thanks for the suggestions above and I will revisit this thread in the future.

11-05-2016 01:53 PM
I have 500 trades up on my totem (thats max btw 500 ... glad i dont have to share at the moment) would also be really cool if the totems you put on ally land were linked or an auction totem maybe where people can bid on things.

I find all that sells are:

- BPs
- Carts (not for long though as 90/100 bps found at moment are darn cart parts)
- Tools (only ever a market for high quality +)
- Weapons (once someone finds out about premium/supreme they only want this quality of weapon)
- Rarely a recipe (usually pioneer barrel or artisan/master level bone/leather/tailor recipe)
I also see a few players manage to sell armor sets usually only bone and prem/supreme quality, i was the first to use dollar bills on my totem when others used pretty much only nails.

The biggest problem i see is keeping players that buy in the sales and plain ol new players as they all seem to quit within a few weeks some of them quit within hours expecting to use a pick they started with on a boulder to get rocks or after being killed by a squirrel (even if they question it and are told they are super hard squirrels from the mist) being killed by a rat/squirrel seems to anoy them a lot.