Logout cancel button
issueid=2650 06-15-2019 05:43 AM
Logout cancel button
Logout cancel button

When you press logout accidentally you can't terminate this process and you need to run game again.

PS. All UI issues affects the user mood.
Issue Details
Issue Number 2650
Issue Type Feature
Project Suggestions
Category Unknown
Status Accepted
Priority 8
Suggested Version Unknown
Implemented Version (none)
Votes for this feature 0
Votes against this feature 0
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

06-25-2019 12:18 AM
During a timed logout this could be possible. (With an instant logout I don't think I'd be able to cancel it as you logout right away).


06-25-2019 12:18 AM
Issue Changed by Xsyon
  • Status changed from Suggested to Accepted