Simplier Craftable Combat Knife
issueid=2173 04-23-2015 10:20 AM
Simplier Craftable Combat Knife

My weapon making skill is up to 24. I can make several axes but only 1 kind of knife and it requires Mule Deer Antlers which I am still unable to kill. My original knife broke long ago. I would like to be able to make a simple knife from simple items so that I can start a fire to roast the fish I caught so that I no longer have to forage so much for food.

So my request is to allow the player to make a simple knife with a knife blade (which I found scavenging), branch and twine at skill lever 5? Or allow the player to start a fire with a crafting knife (tool)? Either way I think this will help out the new players survival rate.
Issue Details
Issue Number 2173
Issue Type Feature
Project Suggestions
Category Unknown
Status Accepted
Priority 10 - Lowest
Suggested Version Unknown
Implemented Version (none)
Votes for this feature 0
Votes against this feature 0
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

04-23-2015 11:25 AM
Xsyon Citizen
There are other schemes for knives and players are able to use them. You just don't have any. Just buy a knife from another player. You will eventually scavenge a knife scheme or learn one

04-23-2015 12:51 PM
While I don't necessarily think we need a new scheme for a simple knife, I do think maybe revisiting which is the 'default' or first learned by most new players could help. The warped branch knife is difficult to make for many because of the materials required. But, there are other knife schemes that do have material requirements that are attainable by everyone....even those that can't hunt. Maybe making one of them the 'default' would be a better idea.

Fire is a much more important factor to survival in Xsyon now and not having a knife does affect your ability to survive (and ultimately enjoy the game) so once your starter knife breaks, it can be a rough ride if you can't make another.

04-23-2015 02:09 PM
Xsyon Citizen
Currently, the Warped Branch, Bear Claw and Degu Design Blade are lvl 5 combat knives. All the rest are lvl 25 and take scavenged knife blades except for the Razor Saw Scalper. I agree that a scheme that requires a scavenged knife blade should be the default scheme now. That said, most knives require a small wooden handle or round bone which might be difficult to obtain if the crafter doesn't have a saw or can't kill a dog or big game.

That said, the OP could trade for a knife or scheme. Also, since the remainder of knife schemes can be inspired at lvl 25 the OP could continue grind weaponcrafting.

04-23-2015 02:34 PM
Xsyon Citizen
Its still possible to trade for requirements or a knife.
In WC all recipe have lvl 5 or 25. you miss just 1 lvl to be able to unlock new recipes. most of them use scavenged stuff and a medium wood handle.
a campfire could be changed to use 2 flint instead of a flint and a knife.

04-24-2015 03:16 AM
Xsyon Citizen
I have rethought this and perhaps I am just wanting too much too soon. I got spoiled in the beginning with the knife I had. I can almost always find a campfire burning somewhere when out exploring. And I could just ask for a knife and chances are someone would just give me one for free. I do have a scheme for a level 25 knife. I am right there at 24. Just need to enjoy eating weeds a bit longer to get there.

04-24-2015 03:40 AM
Weapons will undergo a revision in the near future similar to what was done with tools and armor sets. I'll revisit this issue at that point.

I agree that this needs to be simpler now that starting a fire has more importance.
