Zone Load errors 782-783
issueid=2210 05-22-2015 06:35 AM
Zone Load errors 782-783
Zone Load errors

Almost every time I run from zone 782 into 783 the zones do not load correctly. I get no trees, no buildings but the Revs and critters are still there. Re-log seems to fix it. I do not want to re-log EVERY time I go into a new zone!!!!! If I do have to re-log every time, can we at least get a rock to stand on along the road there while we log out and back in?
Both me and my partner have the same issue. Been going on for a while now, like months.
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Issue Details
Issue Number 2210
Project Bugs Reports
Category Code - Graphics
Status Fixed / Resolved
Priority 1 - Highest
Affected Version Unknown
Fixed Version (none)
Users able to reproduce bug 0
Users unable to reproduce bug 0
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

05-22-2015 01:13 PM
Ok. I will check this specific zone crossing.

Zone loading optimizations are tough, but I keep improving the system. The problem is that with every optimization there are more and more buildings and objects in game to load!

The original loading code wouldn't even be able to handle the loads nowadays.

I do have some questions (and I think we discussed this before):

1) Are you running any anti-virus programs? These will affect and often greatly impede loading. If so, which program (or programs) are you running?

2) If so, have you compared crossing these zones with all anti-viruses turned off?

3) Do you run other programs while playing Xsyon and loading or crossing zones? (Many players like to switch to other programs while loading the game, which only further slows down loading).


05-22-2015 05:23 PM
Xsyon Citizen
1. yes-Norton
2. have not tried lately will try next time I log on
3. Just Chrome for big map...(need big map in game) :)