I like the old UI better
issueid=1326 11-26-2011 11:57 AM
Xsyon Citizen
I like the old UI better

The new UI seems un-organized- I like the old UI a lot better

1. I liked the way the hunger, energy, adreneline, etc was displayed before at the bottom - it just felt like it belonged there. Now no matter where I put it, it feels out of place and clunky.
2. The new icons look cartoonish and childish.
3. The only thing I wanted to do about the old UI was make it a bit smaller overall and be able to hide the emote bar completely and move the chat window into the bottom left.

anyone else agree?
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Issue Details
Issue Number 1326
Issue Type Feature
Project Suggestions
Category Unknown
Status Rejected
Priority Unknown
Suggested Version Unknown
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Votes for this feature 9
Votes against this feature 4
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11-26-2011 12:16 PM
Xsyon Citizen
I would love the old one back. No idea why there was time wasted on this.

I cant even read the bars very well now.

11-26-2011 12:47 PM
Xsyon Citizen
Strongly agree on this. Impossible to have a general view on the bars (adrenaline bar in middle, come on).

11-26-2011 12:56 PM
Xsyon Citizen
I agree.

11-26-2011 01:22 PM
Xsyon Citizen
If the bars were split by type into several panels it would be better but they also need to be colour coded. Health and Energy in one with a green and blue bar for example. Perhaps the graphics person could mock up changes in future and let us vote on it before making the changes or at least put them on the test server where we can log in and make suggestions and critique? They work as panels in other games because they don't have as many and are colour coded so we need to have several panels and turn of the ones we don't want i.e. a panel for food and drink, one for health and energy and the others on a 3rd panel. Then people have more control over placement and can look and see what they want at a glance.

11-26-2011 02:06 PM
Xsyon Citizen
I agree with everyone else this new setup was a waste of time they could have been spending on making the game better. I have been dragging those bars around for a hour now and I can't find a good place for them. Please change it back or at least make the UN-groupable so we can set them back up they way they were.

11-26-2011 02:13 PM
Xsyon Citizen
1) The bars are too small and too close together to differentiate easily.
2) The bars need to be close to different points of interest - the Adrenaline Bar near your character so it is in eyeshot when following your toon in combat, the Encumbrance near your backpack/inventory so it is in eyeshot when filling bags, the Food & Drink near where you are crafting, so that you can keep an eye on levels. Just these 3 are enough to see that they are suited to different locations, so putting all the bars in one place cannot work. The locations weren't ideal before, but at least they were aproximately where they needed to be, either left of centre, or right of centre, and split up enough to be able to differentiate easily.

They need to be bigger
They need to be separate

I can't see why they were even changed to be honest.

Rogen :)

11-26-2011 03:24 PM
Xsyon Citizen
Old was much better.

11-27-2011 05:58 AM
Xsyon Citizen
agree, we need different colors, different positions and the main bars ( healt stamina ) separated from the others

11-27-2011 09:15 AM
Xsyon Citizen
Haven't had much time to get used to the new UI but so far, not liking it either.

Using 1920x1200 resolution: action bar isn't centered at all. The new icons are oddly spaced far apart (and have to agree on cartoonish).
The new status bars are indeed difficult to get a read on at a glance. Might be able to train my eye to it over time but it's not intuitive (when it could and should be).

I like the idea of being able to expand/contract the status bars which I can kind of do by spinning them off screen now. Still, it's very awkward having to spin them back into view by clicking twice etc. because it wasn't actually meant to be used this way.

Also, I think the main thing I would have wanted to change about the old UI is the only thing that hasn't been touched... the chat box. I would like to resize it and have it fit at the bottom left. I'd also like it to stay there instead of my having to redo it every time I log in.

Mind you, the new icons are indeed very crisp and as icons go, nice... but just not quite the right theme for this game, imho.

11-27-2011 11:32 AM
Xsyon Citizen
Been thinkin, and yes, now my head hurts...

One idea might be:
1) move the + button to the very right of the action bar, to the right of the "0" and on the bottom.
2) Just above that, put a "up arrow" button.
3) Up arrow button opens a vertical popup menu with the new icons lined up vertically to be chosen. (icons are then not always visible and drawing your eye, but bright and crisp when needed quickly).
4) Center action bar.
5) Move chat box to very bottom left next to action bar.

I'd also color the status bars as suggested by others, give the option to toggle like we have for the map. The "numlock" bug that keeps them invisible after hitting numlock twice would kinda be a step in that functionality.

11-27-2011 12:01 PM
Yes, I think the new UI is a disaster. I do love the overall patch though. Not sure how making the action icons cartoon-ish and taking them out of the bottom bar helped..they're still there, and blocking vision. Almost impossible to read the status bars now, such as energy, hunger, thirst etc. YUK!!!!All we needed was the chat box fixed, not entire overhaul of the UI...or at least make it better, not worse.

11-27-2011 02:52 PM
Xsyon Citizen
i think the new ui is great people are just used to the old ui and are hard pressed to letgo.

but if i was to change the ui i would add the hp bar as a globe filled with blood the stam as a globe filled with yellow stuff a stomach with a empty to full gauge same with thirst kinda like a car.

a steampunk ui would rock =)

11-28-2011 12:56 AM
Xsyon Citizen
You know, just because someting is new doesn't mean it's better. And that rule certainly counts here.

11-28-2011 01:02 AM
Xsyon Citizen
Quote Originally Posted by xmechna
i think the new ui is great people are just used to the old ui and are hard pressed to letgo.

but if i was to change the ui i would add the hp bar as a globe filled with blood the stam as a globe filled with yellow stuff a stomach with a empty to full gauge same with thirst kinda like a car.

a steampunk ui would rock =)

I look at it from a tactical standpoint.

I look at 8 green bars all stacked up on each other. Picking one or 2 of them out quickly in combat. Is very very hard.

I check my food, water all the time, and having to look over to the icon to make sure Im looking at the correct one each time takes longer than before, and longer than it should. On top watching your weight while doing things is harder (not as bad because its the last on the list).

Before I look to a special spot on the screen to know what I was looking for. Once faith, and comfort are in the game it will only be worse.

This went from OK bar system to BAD in a change that I didnt even see anyone ask for. At best its equal to the old system. Why change spend the time to change it?
At worse its way worse.

Plus with the bars in a square like they are. Its hard to find a good spot on the screen for them. After playing with them for hours and hours. I can say I still dont like them. PVP its very hard to see, basic everyday stuff (crafting, scavin etc) its not better, and is much worse.

11-28-2011 01:15 AM
Xsyon Citizen
I prefer the Old UI, was kinder on aging and not so good eyesight. The Font is so small in chat that I have to lean forward and squint to read it.

11-28-2011 05:51 AM
Xsyon Citizen
I agree with the others here. It's practically impossible to tell the status bars apart now, and they take up a more noticeable part of the screen. The graphic icons on the bottom look fine in themselves, I suppose, but they push the bar off-center and just add to the overall cluttered feel.

There are now four totally different looking things on my screen: chat box, off-center status bar, picture icons and the weird green bar block. It looks much more cluttered, and distracting. Nothing matches. Takes away from just being able to view the world.

11-29-2011 03:48 AM
Xsyon Citizen
sounds like you guys just dont like change. how are they any more or less functional now or then...its just what you got used to, the only thing that would relly help make a difrence in how functional they are is the colour idea.
and the new stuff is'nt too "cartoony" the old stuff was just super bland and boring...like the options menu, and i didnt even notice a change to the chat window? and you know just becaus somthings new dosent mean its bad :P