Tribe Banners and Buildings?
issueid=2616 06-17-2018 07:58 AM
Tribe Banners and Buildings?
I remember that we have the options to set a banner. Maybe we can put them to good use?

So we can set the tribe banner on the Tribe Totem. But the only way you and others can see it is through the totem itself. Maybe we can create banners in architecture to post wherever we want among our tribe to show our... allegiance I suppose? Or just to boast about our banner icon. As well as that, maybe we can create patches to put on our roofs to show that they belong to us, or who they once belonged to when the tribe becomes overrun by Revenants. The last idea for the icons involve perhaps painting on the walls. And in order to do that, we need none other than the Paintbrush! :D This way we can put our icon on any player built walls within our tribe, and it can be used decoratively within house and castle walls.

Maybe one thing we can do with banners is it can be placed in public land to show that it is our "Territory", per say. But in order to reduce spam, there could be a distance required in between banners so you'll have to choose your land wisely. Could be especially useful/fun in PvP, like how they can be dismantled by others and re-staked by others seeking to own the same land.

Tell me what you think. I hope it can be useful, especially to things like events.
Issue Details
Issue Number 2616
Issue Type Feature
Project Suggestions
Category Unknown
Status Accepted
Priority 2
Suggested Version Unknown
Implemented Version (none)
Votes for this feature 1
Votes against this feature 0
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

07-03-2018 01:41 AM
Yup, banners like this are in my original plans and were just never finished. They're still on my todo list for when I get the time!