A way to track tribe membership
issueid=2336 01-08-2016 01:52 AM
A way to track tribe membership

Some way for the leader or any ranking member with permissions to look at a recent list on the totem maybe, so we can take a quick peak when we log in, to welcome any new members or know that we've got a tent to free up for someone else, would be great. If someone joins the tribe while we're not on, we won't know until they speak up in chat, and if they're quiet, they may never get a proper hello and welcome. Or if someone leaves to join their friends or start off on their own we don't know which tent or house to free up. If someone deletes, we don't know to reclaim their carts and bins or what they left behind.

Right now we have only the # of members to go by, which is fine for a smaller tribe with limited members to know/remember, but with a long membership list, it's sometimes very difficult to know who's come or gone. It would certainly make tribe management easier if we could see at a glance when someone has come or gone.
Issue Details
Issue Number 2336
Issue Type Feature
Project Suggestions
Category Unknown
Status Acknowledged
Priority Unknown
Suggested Version Unknown
Implemented Version (none)
Votes for this feature 5
Votes against this feature 0
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

01-09-2016 10:31 AM
Xsyon Citizen
Yes! please. This will be a plus for every single player

01-14-2016 03:27 AM
Good to see it's not just our tribe that would appreciate a feature like this. :)

01-14-2016 03:57 AM
Xsyon Citizen
This would be a welcomed and needed feature. Thanks!

01-28-2016 01:26 PM
This isn't 100% clear to me. I think this would require several things:

1) A list of players recently in the tribe but no longer current members.

2) A list of when current members joined (this could be a column in the current member list).

Would that cover it?

01-28-2016 04:14 PM
I think a log on the totem that says x player has joined the tribe or x player has left the tribe would be great to know when people join and leave. You could also included when someone is promoted or demoted.

01-29-2016 04:32 AM
I was thinking along the same lines as Darkwalker. A running log of sorts saying "X has joined the tribe." "X has abandoned your tribe." "Soandso promoted X to officer/hunter/builder/whatever." Something much like what the system tab displays now when you're online and someone joins or leaves or gets promoted/demoted. Just some way for us to log into the game and take a look at what happened while we were away.

I believe WoW had a system like this (it's been a while so I could be remembering an addon or somesuch but I believe there was a 'guild log' within the guild management) The guild leader and officers could see the log of what happened while they were offline; invites, promotions, etc....didn't go back forever, but far enough to keep tabs on the comings and goings and what was happening in your guild.

01-29-2016 06:14 AM
Xsyon Citizen
So in ARK: Survival evolved they added a Admin log to tribes, It exists as a flat text file on the server itself

This is what it looks like: http://puu.sh/ltaUB/f219a51027.png its on the left, its not much but its a basic log

it limited to 100 entires(by default, modifiable on private servers) of anything that is an admin message.

Players killing tribe owned pets appears in the log.
When a player demolishes a structure its in that log.
I believe when a player changes another members level its also documented "playerA changed playerB level to Admin" but that might be another game im thinking off.
When the log wraps the oldest entry is truncated.

It doesn't have to be a log on a chat console, if there was a button to bring up a UI similar to what you have on the quest window, where i can click on the event, then click a details button and then view the information spefic to it, then i should be able to close or delete the entry.

you can list the player, summary event and time/date

with the following types of events:

-When a member of a tribe joins.
-When a members rank is changed, along with who changed them.
-When a member leaves the tribe.
-When a structure is demolished.
-When a construction ghost is canceled.

in fact this is something that could be monetized if added: a small 10-100 basic log of events with a larger one for totems with premium time. Perhaps even adding the ability to lock 1-10 logs if players have totem time.

01-29-2016 11:47 AM
Xsyon Citizen
I would like to see a log also, and a message of the day option.

I do not like the monetized things, unless you simply just add all the monetized things and have a monthly subscription again.

01-29-2016 12:00 PM
Actually I really like the idea of a longer list tied to the Totem Time it gives added incentive to the totem time without taking anything away from players who chose not to have they, as they still get a log.

01-29-2016 11:16 PM
Xsyon Citizen
Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT
I would like to see a log also, and a message of the day option.

I do not like the monetized things, unless you simply just add all the monetized things and have a monthly subscription again.
I should clarify my suggestion, I think we dont need any additional types of subscriptions then what we already have, which is the 5.00/mo totem time.

With this being the only type of restriction between sub/not:
If no one in the tribe subs then we limit the list to 100 entries, if some one does we limit it to 200.

01-29-2016 11:30 PM
Xsyon Citizen
i think of totem time as a subscription, with the decay prevention as a feature.

It really could be called "pro" or "premium" and then the totem decay prevent would be the only current feature. Then things like my suggestion could be added on as addition features to increase the value of having a premium subscription.

01-30-2016 12:30 AM
Xsyon Citizen
I'm down with that. Bundle all the sub extras into 1 subscription fee. They would be perks but not required. I like it.