The Animal Sacrifice.
issueid=883 07-14-2011 08:29 PM
The Animal Sacrifice.

Animal sacrificing to increase faith or promote religion.
This issue is closed. No more replies may be made.
Issue Details
Issue Number 883
Issue Type Feature
Project Suggestions
Category Unknown
Status Acknowledged
Priority Unknown
Suggested Version Unknown
Implemented Version (none)
Votes for this feature 3
Votes against this feature 3
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

07-14-2011 09:23 PM
Xsyon Citizen
I think there are many other ways to do this than something like this. Not my cup of tea.

07-18-2011 07:08 AM
Xsyon Citizen
Next will be burning humans (avatars) at the stake to appease the Gods of Xsyon to have mercy on the tribes for a better harvest...
Or maybe a way to bring back Real world issues that over time will prove harmful and or hurtful to others..
I say this one be closed and not considered.

07-23-2011 04:50 AM
Xsyon Citizen
I like it