
Type: Posts; User: delpapa

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  1. also different foods, anything i can cook and get...

    also different foods, anything i can cook and get a buff from, but style gets points
  2. I dont know if it's been suggested or if it's a...

    I dont know if it's been suggested or if it's a good idea.
    I think we need more npc action to help when the player base is offline and few are on. Not just focused on something new but expanding...
  3. Replies

    UPDATE: the naked wanderer is about to receive...

    UPDATE: the naked wanderer is about to receive it's next large part, due to loss in work and stress at home I have been stretched on time but I can assure you this next post will satisfy your hunger
  4. Replies

    After some time the trio emerged from the forest,...

    After some time the trio emerged from the forest, as they looked upon the lake they saw a small island in the middle with a town. The sun had begun to set, the clouds looked as if a tapestry was...
  5. Replies

    My life has taken many many turn since my last...

    My life has taken many many turn since my last post, im sorry for the gap. Like i said i will try to continue the story as i can but my life seems to have other plans then letting me enjoy my work lol
  6. Replies

    Pain shot through Sabre as she was drawn into the...

    Pain shot through Sabre as she was drawn into the dark. Nightmare after nightmare attacked her, choked her, until she couldnt bare it any longer. A loud thud resonated beside her, it was a shovel,...
  7. Replies

    Finally she had reached the bottom of the...

    Finally she had reached the bottom of the mountain, looking ahead was thick woods with a canopy so dense the light couldn't touch the ground. "Sometimes I wonder how bad my luck really is" giant...
  8. Replies

    Part 1 A broken home (Its been 3 long months, i...

    Part 1
    A broken home
    (Its been 3 long months, i still havent seen the gods since that day the forger was kicked from the mount. Soon the power that held this city together started to leave, and...
  9. Replies

    The naked wanderer -intro

    Once i remember living on mount tathgor, forging weapons and armor made from elements unknown, from tools of pure light. I served under the gods, creating gifts of immense power to honor them for the...
Results 1 to 9 of 9