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  1. #1

    07/23/2018 - Feedback Request - Animal Taming & Riding

    Animal taming and mounts are ready for public testing!

    For now I won't post too many details about the systems as I hope they are self-explanatory and easy to use. (If any aspects of these changes are confusing, let me know!)

    If you have any questions or find any problems with the systems so far, please post them here.



    - Currently taming succeeds 100% of the time so that players can test pet ownership and mounts easier.

    - Once any issues pet and mount movements and actions are resolved I will switch on the full taming system which will require feeding and other actions to improve the creature's attitude towards you before you can tame the creature.

    - Players can only have one pet at the moment. Stables will be added shortly that will allow players to keep (and display) multiple pets.

    - Only bears and deer can currently be ridden as mounts. Other large creatures (large enough coyotes, raccoons and mutants) will be set up as mounts later.

    - Mount speeds are not yet finalized.

    - Final feeding data for creatures (what food creatures will or will not eat) has not been patched yet.
    Last edited by Xsyon; 07-24-2018 at 09:09 PM.

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