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  1. #1

    Whats going on with PvP? Is the main focus only to work on PvE?

    I ask this question since I'm being told that the animals running away from you issue has been solved on PvE while on PvP animals are completely broken. I have a few issues with PvP server and I'll outline them in letters here.

    Like mutants will even run from me with 1k+ hps that could 3 hit me, plateback bears, shadow bears, shadow deer, bluetip deer, coyotes of all kinds, why are they running from me on PvP but when I talk to people on PvE they say this "was" a issue but it was solved?

    In fact, the server is broken at the moment since you can't even train your combat verse animals cuz "everything" runs.

    I'm pretty unimpressed that we don't have shields or ranged weapons or any meaningful update for PvP despite being promised this many years ago and being a feature all combat players have requested or wondered why isn't being put in the game or taken seriously. The fact that the skills got removed from the game instead of finished to make the game "seem more complete" is extremely heart braking.

    Its not fun gameplay to run after a bluetip deer for half a hour trying to kill/run it down cuz they refuse to fight you.

    If your going to have this kind of combat where the deer or animal runs for half a hour than I demand ranged weapons so we can hit them from range if we gotta run them down due to refused combat.

    I also understand that PvE and PvP split from a single server due to the guides advising jordi to do so due to the issues around PvE players complaining about PvP players and the issues around F2P players around that time.... However I'm not sure how this is a positive thing for PvP server since most people need to be specialized, this means you need to trade with people and there needs to be crafters on the same server as combat players, however what seems to be done here is you've seperated the crafters from the combat and due to that removed the synergy between the two and effectively broke the game to the point where your forced to buy multiple accounts of at least 2 in order to do everything yourself, INSTEAD OF trading with other players as intended and creating synergy between specialized people.

    The idea I have to create a solution for this is to return F2P but ONLY to PvP server since its quite obvious that if it was added to PvE than guides would get overwhelmed again from complaints and it would turn into the same bad situation that caused the servers to split in the first place. Putting it on only PvP would help inject more life into the server and let people who are wondering about the game, the chance to try it without having to first take the risk of paying $32 for a game thats been in greenlight for 7 years (that is a huge risk no matter how you look at it, doubly so when you look at the price being much higher than what most are willing to pay for this kind of risk where the game is so dead/unpopular that folks wonder if this is the last year its gona be active, you can find posts quoting that same feeling of wondering if its goan shutdown that year going back to 2016/2017/2018 even last year in 2019 folks are asking if this is gona be the last year)

    I think the biggest thing would be having a strict policy where the guides don't interfere between player interactions on PvP like they attempted to do before server split and currently do on PvE. I feel the guides have abused their powers alot in the past and is the main reason why we're in this situation, yes you could say its players complaining but I would instead blame the guides for actually giving in, listening to them and giving the players what their complaining about. In my opinion unless its a underground rock, a stuck person or some other thing that cannot be solved by a player than a guide has zero business getting in the middle of it... And if no guides are getting in the middle of anything than F2p shouldn't be a problem on PvP cuz the guides won't get overwhelmed and suggest a server split n death of f2p again if they stay out of everything.

    My 2 cents as a disgruntled pvp player, I want to love this game but it feels like the squeekyest wheel gets the oil here and since PvE squeeks more they are getting all the oil.... We want some oil on PvP too in the form of fixing animals, meaningful updates like ranged or shield combat and some life injected into the server as if someone cares about pvp too, not just pve as it feels right now.

    I feel like this game is alot more than the extremely grindy building simulator that is PvE server.

    But when I look at the updates being focused on PvE and building, I can't help but feel half the game or more is being forgotten about.
    Last edited by Static; 03-14-2020 at 07:39 PM.

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