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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by chojinuk View Post
    ok i dont know what you are currently testing but I ran around in a circle inside my tribe area and I couldnt even outrun any animals and they all just hit me in the back while i was sprinting till i was dead. nice
    While this build was not ready for public testing as I am adjusting variables and timing, you should easily be able to outrun creatures by sprinting (not just running though). Were you using sprint or were just running away?

    As for damage from creatures, yes it's been reduced but damage and all variables will be adjusted based on final public testing. Damage, especially for small creatures will be less than what's on the main servers now for sure.

    Ranges should not be so big but we'll test that when the build is actually ready for testing. I will post a new thread for clean feedback when it is ready.


  2. #2

    I was sprinting, though on grass and and about 30% encumberance, but that is om the

    Quote Originally Posted by Xsyon View Post
    While this build was not ready for public testing as I am adjusting variables and timing, you should easily be able to outrun creatures by sprinting (not just running though). Were you using sprint or were just running away?

    As for damage from creatures, yes it's been reduced but damage and all variables will be adjusted based on final public testing. Damage, especially for small creatures will be less than what's on the main servers now for sure.

    Ranges should not be so big but we'll test that when the build is actually ready for testing. I will post a new thread for clean feedback when it is ready.

    I was sprinting, though on grass and and about 30% encumbrance, but they all hit me in the back and i could not out run them, plus with the hit range of 8 meters

  3. #3
    ive just logged into the Test server as of Thurs 30th April 2020, this is just an observation NOT about creatures.

    I see that you have altered the Name Order of the Foes/Friends Lists, it is now in alphabetical order rather then the order it was before.
    Is there a reason for this other then Neatness?

    Ill explain why I liked the old order it was in.

    The old order was the date you added the name, so i could look down the list and See the first name I added were people Like DDT, sister and willowhawk and the very last names on the list were new people I added recently.

    I liked this order because I could look instantly see whose Name was Blue and with how far down the list they were would know if they were a new or old player.

    Now I have no clue if the player ive listed is old or new.

    Is there a chance we could keep the old order ? or maybe have the choice to show it alphabet order or date added order ?

    thank you

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by chojinuk View Post
    I see that you have altered the Name Order of the Foes/Friends Lists, it is now in alphabetical order rather then the order it was before.

    Is there a reason for this other then Neatness?
    Yes, it was requested many times and on my list of small changes to make.

    Quote Originally Posted by chojinuk View Post
    Ill explain why I liked the old order it was in.

    Is there a chance we could keep the old order ? or maybe have the choice to show it alphabet order or date added order ?
    I can set it up both ways as part of an upcoming build that will include suggestions from players.


  5. #5
    I agree with chojinuk, its extremely unfun game play to have to just stand there and attack something till one of the two of you dies.

    There needs to be a counter-play aspect, back n forth, skill aspect... not just two bashing each other till one falls with zero skill aspect.

    There used to be skill when you could cause them to miss than capitalize on the miss with your own attack.

    But now with these new changes, range is way too high when players only have less than 3m range... this means theres no way to dodge a attack cuz you will need to be inside of their range in order to attack back.

    Animal "spin rate" seems to be infinity too, so theres no way to side step them or the attacks to cause them to miss from the side, its always pointed directly at you like a laser. This is also why people would walk backwards since it was the only way to make them miss due to the infinity turn speed.

    I attempted to fight a squirrel and it refused to attack me, but walked towards me as if it was going to and should be attacking. Hes locked at "after me" but stand in front me of, not doing anything. "threat 99.97 agro 100" yet isn't attacking me, this could be a range issue, I'm not sure.

    I did find a lab dog pup however and was pleasantly surprised to find it attacked me back! So I tossed a parry up and it said "successful parry" and the dog went into hit recovery, giving me the chance to get a hit in!

    Thats pretty dang cool! Huge step in the right direction!

    With this parry edit its no longer the two of you hammering attacks at each other till one dies, since you can now "out play" the creature by using parry to put them into hit recovery... While this "currently" is still a attack spam fest due to creature speed being too fast to be able to run away backwards, this at least brakes up the combat, your now parrying and attacking to reduce dmg and open up "hit recovery" actions on the creature for you to have the time to hit them... Its a HUGE step in the right direction congrats on getting this done in such a short amount of time!

    There still needs to be some other way of dodging or causing the creature to miss while your facing it, but I think the creature speed and parry update are both spot on currently.

    Wish I could test parry better tho, my PvE guy is a weak builder/crafter with 79hps so that kinda limits what I could fight since I got over twice that on PvP.
    Last edited by Static; 04-30-2020 at 08:22 PM.

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