More testing from me and dusto

So tahoe has rev problem.

So we fought them.... dusto got rekt, multiple times, he got his pants stolen and shoes too.

So the problem I found while fighting the revs is that while fighting the smaller one with less range, I was able to slowly walk backwards by putting myself into walk mode and than the rev would stay at a safe distance and I could just repeatedly hit him with my shovel as I walked slowly backwards.

Now the larger rev was a bit different since it was max highet player model and thus longest range..... than dusto died and gave it his knife, extending range even more.

Now the problem with the larger rev highlights the issues with these changes imo. When the rev would "attack" there would be a few different problems:
It would be seemingly a instant attack, no attack animation, no wind up, no ability to counter play, you could do a "predictive" parry after you attack cuz you "know" its gona be there, but the rev doesn't appear to actually be attacking you.

When watching him fight the rev, seemingly he would attack and parry with obvious action, and the rev would seemingly just keep running after him and you could hear the parry and hit's but you wouldnt see the rev swing.

This is really bad for noobs since they will have no idea how they are being killed, they will just be taking damage from something next to them, it will look broken since there is no wind up, no attack, no follow through after, no attack animation.

phantom hits. Now when I tried to fight the exact same rev, I used a fishing rod and was able to use slow walking and the rev would stay at a safe distance while I repeatedly whipped it with my fishing rod, the asme thing that happend with the bear and the coyote previously.

Now where things change is when I equipped my shovel and tried to do the same thing. Seemingly this rev has as much range with a knife as I do with my shovel, so when I tried the standard "walk backwards, bait attack" didnt work cuz theres no attack animation, so if I tried to pause for a sec to get in range to attack, I would physically be out of range, yet cuz "at one point in time" I WAS in range, this means the rev's phantom attack would hit me despite me being out of range, cuz I was at one point previously in range.

It feels really really bad.

Some good news:
When I was fighting dusto it did seem "way" more accurate and there was less of a synch issue however the problem is kings beach (the first thing all noobs see) is taken over by babycakes afk tribe that causes many issues 1) creates revs that players try to talk to and often die to thinking its a player 2) its a unused afk tribe that causes the "noob area" to have extra loading and extra lagg 3) the area has so many trees and objects packed tightly together that it can cause heavy issues to people with weaker machines.

Kings beach needs to be cleaned up so it looks better, is easier on the frames and isn't spawning revs. Why babycake deserves to own so many tribes full of players who dont even play anymore is beyond me, if she can't handle this many tribes than maybe she should give them up since I know for a fact 99% of the players in her max size tribes don't even play anymore... so why is it being allowed to ruin noobs experience by making kings beach and their first "player interactions" being with a zombie whos gona steal their gear and they cant fight to get it back?