I've restarted the Test Server.

Regarding issues so far:

1) Small creatures initiating attacks. I believe that was happening due to a mechanism forcing creatures to fight if they can't find a direct path to run away from you. I've fixed that so that only more aggressive creatures have this behavior.

If any small and non aggressive creatures still attack without first being attacked, please let me know.

2) Creatures getting stuck on a wall or boulder. I need to reproduce this to fix it so I'm still working on this one.

3) Not being able to pass through gates. This should be fixed now.

4) "is unit collision is attached to the player hitbox?" No, I adjusted the collision for the player vs buildings only. It shouldn't affect your hitbox for combat.

5) Being able to walk backwards to avoid attacks. I will work on tweaking this tonight. It's because of the dodge skill changes that I implemented. What is your dodge skill currently at?

That's all so far. Primarily I adjusted creature reactions as notes in #1 above.
