I've restarted the Test Server with another build. Here are some changes and questions:

1) Incorrect names, animal types and animations not playing: In these builds I am running a function that resets creatures so that there are creatures of different ages and more child creatures. The function was causing all these glitches so I've revised it and all these problems should be gone now. (If there are still any names that don't match what you see though, let me know).

2) I've further revised the behavior of creatures that have a target that becomes blocked or unreachable. Here is what should happen:

- If you get up on a boulder or ramp, creatures in combat should run away from you. They can still keep you as a target but will only watch from a distance or move away out of target range.

- If a creature can't reach you because of walls but you are on the ground, the creature should not target you.

3) I've adjusted the speed creatures rotate along their paths, to avoid them going in and out of a wall while following a path.

4) I've adjusted the timing on creature attacks as some of them were off.

5) Question: Can you reproduce the situation of a creature getting stuck on a wall or boulder? If this can happen, does it happen only while the animal has a target?

Overall, I feel this build is ready enough for a big public patch! I'll wait to see if there are any other reproducible issues or balancing that needs to be done.
