I'm restarting the Test Server with a few minor changes:

1) I fixed a situation that could cause near creatures to not attack you if they were not facing you. This was due to the new rotation that I set up so that players could avoid creatures by sidestep dodging.

2) I set up an extra check when players close a gate on a creature that already is following a path to the player.

3) I adjusted creatures' rotation along their path as sometimes the slow rotation can cause them to go in and out of a wall or object.

That's it. Just minor adjustments. This patch will go live June 1st and I will post a more prominent announcement about it.

Comments on other issues mentioned:

1) For the creatures stuck under that big boulder, did you see them get stuck or did you find them that way?

2) I always run a War Server build for testing even if we are testing with Peace Server data. This is because the War Server has a few more 'features' basically and I like to make sure everything is tested.

3) Creatures following that are right up against you will stay at your speed, up to their maximum speed. The situation where you are walking backwards and a creature keeps following at your pace is correct.

4) Creatures going through each other and possibly stacking up is weird but that's how it will be for now. It does happen in other games I've checked out. It can be solved somewhat but can cause other issues so for now I'll leave it be.
