I've restarted the Test Server with another small patch. Here are a few things to check:

1) Fortress gates (or any other gates). I adjusted collision further and all gates looked ok to me. If you can find a gate that can't e entered, please let me know and post the coordinates here.

2) Names. The weird 'adult pup' type of names were caused by me not resetting data that needed to be reset. I cleared this up. If any creatures still have inconsistent names, please let me know.

3) Backing up. I adjusted speeds a bit. If any of you can still back up walking and avoid being hit, please let me know the following info: your speed (now in the upper left corner), the creature type and the creature's speed (should show in the debug info when the creature is selected).

Setting up creatures so that you can't just walk back out of range but still use dodge side to side to avoid or reduce attacks is tricky as it's time and ping dependent so I'm trying to adjust the balance.

Sounds like so far the issues are minor. This patch is very close to finally going public!
