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Hybrid View

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  1. #1
    Most currently do not fight back.

    Turn rate on most mobs are pretty good.

    Range on some mobs are pretty good some are too far. (Getting hit by 15m from a bear)

    Damage from players (at least at max skill / weapons) is very high. I would rather attack faster than have high numbers per attack. This allows for better skilling too and more fun in combat.
    Killing a bear in 3 to 4 hits. (8seconds) Not fun. (This is max skill). Killing a bear in 12 hits (8 seconds) is more fun.

    You lowered the charge up power (from 180% to 100%), I would like to see charge up take longer. Like 2x longer, but give 180% again. This will allow for people to do better hit and run tactics but take longer to kill than a DPSer who can stay on target attacking fast.
    Currently attacking fast is about 4x to 8x faster than charge up, almost no reason to use charge up attacks.

    Parry stun seems a good timer. I have 100 parry and it works just fine.

    Dodge seems fine to me also. I have 92 dodge and I can spin behind mobs based on current rotation.

    I would like to see the attack range on player weapons to be a little be longer. Maybe 25%. Likely picks/shovels do not need this adjusted as much, but very hard to hit stuff with blades and axes. (no one uses clubs really)

    I would like to see mutants higher HP keep their damage like it is (much lower than before) but maybe 3x or 4x the HP they have now. The reason is to allow fights last longer and less resting needed but increases the fun. So they wont be much harder and more newer players can be in the "group" fighting them.
    One big problem we had before was the 1 hit kills on newer players that would go hunting. They get hit for 35 to 70 damage, and be instant dead. No way to get away. If you lower the damage they do per attack but increase the HP. It makes it so groups can hunt without newer people being sent home in 1 hit.

  2. #2
    good suggestions from MrDDT
    Last edited by Whorlok; 06-04-2020 at 10:12 PM.

  3. #3
    Let players level faster life points in the initial period up to a certain point?

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