lets remove them. Add in special attacks. Special attacks to me are like:
"Power Attack" = +50% damage, cooldown 5s, uses 3x energy of a normal swing.
"Snare Attack" = Normal Damage, cooldown 30s, uses 5x energy of a normal swing. Gives debuff of -20% movement speed for 10s.
"Lunge Attack" = Normal Damage, cooldown 5s, uses 3x energy of a normal swing. +100% reach of attack.
"Bleed Attack" = Normal Damage, cooldown 15s, uses 5x energy of normal swing. +100% damage of the attack over 10s.
"Stunning Attack" = Normal Damage, cooldown 30s, uses 5x energy of normal swing. Gives debuff of stunned for 2s.

These are examples. You would be able to bind them to a hotbar/keyboard. You click the button and the next attack would add that stat/cost/effect to the attack.
You can even make it limited to some weapons over another. Like a Pick and Blade can do a bleed attack. Shovels/Axes/Clubs can do Stunning attacks. All weapons can do Power attack etc.
This game already exists, its called WoW, maybe you'd enjoy playing that instead of turning this game into it?

I disagree massively with this entire concept, I think it would remove the skill from the game and turn it into skill burst combat, that is really really shitty.

You ever play league of legends? Do you know what a burst hero is? Its someone who waits for their cooldowns to refresh, then walks up to someone, unloads all their skills than plays safe again till their skills are back up again. Annie for example is known for this cuz if you stack her skills you get a stun on her next skill, letting you easily combo all your skilled on the stunned person.

I don't want every person in this game to be a burst champion, I think thats horrid and removes any skill aspect from pvp, makes it become purely who can burst skill with higher stats.

I understand why DDT wants this, he would be a god and nobody could stand verse him, I think this is a horrid way to design a game.

I think it should be skill based so that if someone actually fights him they would have a fair chance instead of losing purely cuz of lower stats.

DDT's suggestions are a large step in the wrong direction, his suggestion is what MMO's used to be like a decade or longer ago, why bring us back into the past of gaming that everybody has evolved away from and expects better than?

Its a old and outdated concept to make skill spam number bar for combat.

It would be NEW AND INNOVATIVE if we continued to support the multi-directional twitch combat that everybody who actually plays pvp games loves as a unquie thing in this game that COULD be amazing if properly optimized.

I know of ONE other game that has been able to pull off twitch combat like this properly, kingdom come deliverance, it is by far, one of the best games out there when it comes to combat and xsyon is like a lower graphics version of it.. So it really makes me want to see things skill based, since in kingdom come deliverance, at the VERY START OF THE GAME your town gets raided and burned, your supposed to flee and run cuz they have armor (while you have none) and have way stronger swords than you, stronger stats, everything, its a unfair fight... However, a large majority of good players on their 2nd time around they fight the first guy and due to the skill, they are able to kill him with inferior equipment and stats purely due to out skilling them... I've watched a guy who was "extremely skilled" than take that equipment and slaughter all the guys coming to raid the city trying to work verse the story that says the city should be burned by them when you retreat.... The guy killed dozens of them due to having crazy good skill level.... That is amazing and should be the goal of every pvp based game that aims to be balanced.

No game was ever balanced by letting the guys with highest stats instant kill everybody else, but thats your suggestion, give additional damage in burst to people with already way higher damage than everybody else, its bad suggestion imo.