I agree with moving away from combat being about charged attacks, if you add too much damage to them, they become the only option.

It also removes the "intense fight" that has been created with quick attack+parry combination and would turn it back into poke style where you try to avoid damage till your charge is full, than release, same as before but most likely abusing the creature turning speed this time instead of the walking backwards like previously.

I think the combat of having to parry or block, while counter attacking with a fast attack OR taking the risk of using a slow swinging power attack, is the best way to keep loading bars out of combat.

When I say power attack, I mean a attack that takes twice as long to do the animation, not charge up. So the time from start of swing to end of swing takes twice as long as a regular attack, this would make it so that theres was a larger dodge window, so if you actually hit the slower attack than it would warrant the boost in attack, the reward to the risk.


I think if we're making artisan and master weapons they should have the same damage ratio as normal weapons, but add additional effects. I think if they also do additional damage than they would quickly become unbalanced and become the only usable weapons, making lower end players or new players at a massive disadvantage.

And wow, we are seriously talking about ranged combat right now? Color me completely stoked, I'd love to see some bows in the game, however, without some kind of dodge skills or way to leap or relocate your character, you won't be able to actually point at anything and shoot it alone without it killing you in the process.

We would need some kind of back quiver and bow slot and a button to switch between melee and ranged weapon sets.

Keep up the great work man, I'm going to go fight some things on test server to give you some more in depth feedback of the current changes.