Quote Originally Posted by Xsyon View Post
This thread is for discussing current combat improvement suggestions.

Here is what I have so far from the other threads:

1) Adjust swing power. I did this already and could up the damage a bit more. However, the more I boost swing power damage, the more combat relies on charged attacks and again we get the problem that new players (and a lot of player in general) just are looking to click attack as they do in games they are familiar with.

2) Remove swing power / charged attacks.

3) Replace swing power attacks with special attacks from the action bar / hot key. These could be, for example, a slower attack that does double damage.

From my point of view, the charged attack vs the hot key power attack are very similar. The main differences would be how the action is initiated (through mouse action vs a key) and timing (charged attacks can be done at any time, a power attack should have a cool down like in other games).
I think like Static says, lets remove them. Add in special attacks. Special attacks to me are like:
"Power Attack" = +50% damage, cooldown 5s, uses 3x energy of a normal swing.
"Snare Attack" = Normal Damage, cooldown 30s, uses 5x energy of a normal swing. Gives debuff of -20% movement speed for 10s.
"Lunge Attack" = Normal Damage, cooldown 5s, uses 3x energy of a normal swing. +100% reach of attack.
"Bleed Attack" = Normal Damage, cooldown 15s, uses 5x energy of normal swing. +100% damage of the attack over 10s.
"Stunning Attack" = Normal Damage, cooldown 30s, uses 5x energy of normal swing. Gives debuff of stunned for 2s.

These are examples. You would be able to bind them to a hotbar/keyboard. You click the button and the next attack would add that stat/cost/effect to the attack.
You can even make it limited to some weapons over another. Like a Pick and Blade can do a bleed attack. Shovels/Axes/Clubs can do Stunning attacks. All weapons can do Power attack etc.

Quote Originally Posted by Xsyon View Post
Here are things that I have worked on and plan to release as part of this patch series:

1) Artisan and Master weapons including bonuses based on specific weapon types such as critical strike and defense (parry) bonuses.

2) Ranged combat.

As usual, if you have a suggestion that is similar to something in another game, please list the game or games so that I can potentially check it out directly.

Note: If I missed anything, please post and I will add it to this top post.

Note: Please keep suggestions as concise as possible and the arguments to a minimum. It's taking me a long time to go through these threads (and suggestions) to pick out the actual suggestions.


Again as Static says, I do not feel like base damage on master/artisan should be increased. This would make balancing much harder.
As you stated here, I think adding properties that help combat would be better. Attack speed, reach, criticals, defenses, are all good options.

Ranged Combat is going to be major. Due to the fact that no animal in game has ranged skills/attacks, this will have to be fairly weak to start with I would expect.
Because this game doesn't have first person targeting options really. I think the best thing to do is simply make ranged combat pretty weak. Allow parry and dodge and blocking (if shields added) to be highly effective vs it. You would not be able to manually dodge attacks. (Sadly I don't see how you could not have it that way without first person, which I can not stress enough is not good for this game please do not force first person for people wanting to do archery)

Unlike Static I do not believe it's required to have a quiver slot, or a hot key to insta swap between weapons. This is not a fast first person shooter where you jump in the air whip out a bow, change to melee before you land and keep fighting.
Combat can be fun without the extra speed of pulling out weapons super fast to change them for exact needs of the second.
I think you can have arrows in your bags or bin, or make a new slot and it will all work. Yes the best would be a cool looking arrow slot. But its not "needed" per say.