"I understand you would disagree. These are my opinions. I do not think you need every system in the game to be "NEW and INNOVATIVE"
Chat systems have been around for 20+ years. You don't need to make them new and innovative. Pick a good chat system and put it in place."
This whole comment is a strawman. "oh you use chat, why not use outdated mmo features nobody wants to use anymore?"

Like you see how many people where pissed off about when they found out elder scrolls online was just a wow clone with the type of combat your suggesting? If a HUGELY POPULAR FRANCHISE like the elder scrolls can piss off half their player base into not playing it due to that, than I don't think its a feature we should be adding to this game cuz nobody wants it in gaming today but you.

Its like saying "why don't we go back to turn based combat based off dice rolls".... cuz its boring combat we've long moved away from outside of boardgames.

The problem comes down to PING and CPU of the server. Both of which will be issues on this game. I do not see people playing Xsyon for the twitch based combat. They come here for the creative systems Xsyon has put in place. No need to make it very hard or near impossible for people to do combat. It's already pretty hard Xsyon is wanting to make it easier not harder to learn.
Another strawman. The ping/cpu is fine, jordi fixed the problems that caused desync of players/server/each other that prevented ranged combat by rewriting the creature migration, so this problem has been "fixed" and I've told you this twice already, making this the 3d time so you already know better.

You see MEEEEE playing xsyon for twitch combat, where have you even been? WE come up with some cool ideas and you come crawling back to derail everybody and change the direction of the game? I mean you've had 10 years to suggest things, maybe give some other people priority to try something else cuz obviously what you think hasn't helped the game in the past decade.

"They come here for the creative systems Xsyon has put in place." right alot of people want combat and raiding, two things that are in short supply in this game so I'm heavily advocating for ways to increase player interactions and give players areas to raid. One of those systems is the combat system, thats the directional twitch combat, its great and not many games have it, I donno why you don't think it is.

Who said anything about making it impossible to do combat? Stop strawmanning me, I never said this. By not having a bunch of keys to smash to give you increased damage, it doesn't make combat "impossible" your being dramatic and untruthful here.