Quote Originally Posted by Static View Post
? So when I use LO and mount n blade for examples of combat cues its "no thats a horrid idea"

But when talking about BD for combat cues (the same suggestion but with a different example)

NOW you agree with it?

Black Desert is a lot more to it's combat than combat cues. It also has hotkey skills like WOW does. So it is mixed directional attacks and cues with special skills.
This is what I want, and I said as much.

So yes, I agree Black Desert's combat would be great in Xsyon. However, I do not think he can code/animate all the stuff BD has. I do think he can have some good WOW style combat skills like I said, with directional combat.

Having Last Oasis's combat system is very basic. Its 3 directions, with 3 directional blocking. Is it skillful? Yes, but its basic and boring. Which is why I want to add some flavor to it.

The people you are talking about in Last Oasis they want PVP focus'd game. Sieges, Clan Wars, Contested areas, mounted combat. Ranged attacks. Healing postions etc etc.
These things can be done in Xsyon, but as Xsyon has said many times. This game is not going to be combat focused. Those systems take a LONG time to code and test.

Why can't we have flavored, fun, interactive combat like Black Desert first. Then maybe down the road after months+ we can add in some PVP stuff.
Lets have creatures have special moves first. Lets have mounts. Lets have things like bandages. These things are fun for both PVP and PVE. Also the Last Oasis type of players want that also.