Rookie female mane coon kitten with 14hp is way too weak.

What if we came up with a way to math what each creatures hp should be.

So lets say if max hp on a squirrel is 40hp, than a rabbit should have no lower than 20hps since even a young rabbit should be stronger than a teen squirrel.

So if max hp on a rabbit is 60hps than you could say rats should have no lower than 30hps since even a young rat should be stronger than a teen rabbit.

If we did some sort of balancing based upon this concept than you would never see something like a cat with 14hps, that is weaker than a hamster or chicken or squirrel.

Basically I'm saying the ratio between child and adult should be closer so theres less of a huge difference... A 2nd idea for a solution might be to make it so the child has 50% of the max hps and work from there? That way we won't see bears with under 100hps that would be easily killed by someone who shouldnt be fighting bears.