rookie cockrell at 11hp seems fine, its a chicken.
adult vetteran hamster buck at 28hps seems fine, its a hamster.

elder vetteran marmot doe 68hps 10.20 damage seems low since this means that the rat was stronger at the same power, by your own tiers this doesn't make sense since the marmot should be stronger than the rat.

In my opinion, the marmot should have another 20hps at this point, at least, but the damage seems around what it should be for this tier.

The marmot should be the first guy that actually deals 10+ dmg and decent hps, I'd like to see something closer to a range of 60 weakest 95 strongest ratio, 5-6 damage lowest 10-12 damage highest.

This way its always stronger than a squirrel, at no point in time should a marmot ever be weaker than a chicken or squirrel.