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  1. #1

    06/29/2020 - Feedback Request - Combat - Test Server

    The Test Server is up with my latest build. Here are some combat related changes with this build:

    1) Increased armor damage absorption (as requested).

    2) Parry drops automatically after a hit.

    3) Charged attack revised (as requested). This is a first draft for removing swing power and converting a ‘held attack’ into a ‘power attack’. Basically if you hold the attack mouse button down for a bit, like you would during a charged attack, the attack will be a power attack. This attack currently holds the swing for a bit then automatically releases it. The end result is a slower attack that does double damage.

    I would like feedback on whether or not this is desirable, or whether players prefer the charged attack.

    With a charged attack, any charge increases damage a bit until the full charge and the attack can be held. With this ‘power attack’, there is no charge, the attack takes the full time length and always does double damage.

    If this power attack is wanted, I can work on adjusting the animations for power attacks so that they are simply a slower attack rather than a temporarily held attack.

    I could also set up power attacks to work only with an overhead swing. That would start to differentiate the directional attacks. Any opinions on this?

    4) Attack delay removed. There was a 100ms delay between pressing the attack mouse button and the start of the attack swing. I’m not sure why this was there as it is a remnant of another programmer’s code. I removed this delay. Is there a noticeable difference?

    5) When you dodge out of a creature’s view frustum you will get a different message than when you dodge out of range (as requested).


    1) Currently there is an option for “Mouse Combat” in the KeyBind Panel. This allows for right mouse to attack, left mouse to parry and switching hands using the Alt key. Does anyone use this mode? I am thinking about removing it as it just makes combat more unnecessarily complicated.

    Please provide feedback on any or all of the above. I will be taking a look at some other games as suggested in the previous combat thread and will continue with improvements once these current changes are finalized.


  2. #2
    The charged attack "fires" itself when ready, for me the green loading bar was better to understand and to plan when I fire the attack. For me combat is now too confusing and complicated. I am more a keep-it-short-and-simple guy: One quick attack, one charching attack like it is on the current servers.

    However, I understand that some players prefer a more fine-tuned system ... is it maybe possible to use the "mouse combat" in the options settings for "complex battle actions" being turned on or off? So that I can have the combat like it was up to now, while others can use the complex system if they like it more?

  3. #3
    Little bug: When I kill a revenant on test server, I can no longer loot it Rightclick does nothing.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screenshot_2020630_8_9_59 revenants not lootable.png 
Views:	283 
Size:	1.06 MB 
ID:	720

  4. #4
    I no longer use mouse combat, I did before. However, I can see people using it once they understand combat better. Group fighting will call for mouse combat even more.
    You will likely in a group have someone that does parry attacks (Tanking) while others attack (DPS). The tank will likely use mouse combat mode as it allows for a much easier way to parry.

    I noticed you lowered the base damage on all weapons by 20%, is this intended? You missed the Santa Shovel (Santa's Big Helper) which is the most powerful weapon in the game never breaks already. Now it's doing 20% More damage than it's already crazy high damage number. No idea why you keep making this weapon so overpowered.
    This weapon should be for looks. Not end all be all for DPS/Range/Damage per attack.

    In the current build on Test server you can no longer see how much damage you take when attacked/hit in the combat log.

    Because of the new group animal/mutant combat. You will want to increase the durability on armor greatly. 5x to 10x. You will be taking a lot more attacks fighting these even in a group. Right now if left like it is, in 2 or 3 of these animals you break your armor.

    I think overhead attack is great for PVP but does nothing for PVE. If it has more DPS then it will be used all the time. (Which is not fun doing over head attacks over and over)
    I would much rather see special attacks for moves or on a hotkey. Things that you can change how the fight is fought not just which one is best DPS.
    PVP is a totally diff beast because there you need to balance not only DPS but show animations and how players can react to things.

    I can not notice the 100ms delay diff at all. Doesn't look like attack animations have changed nor the time til it hits the target/taking damage.

    I'm not seeing any extra damage for the current "charged" or "power" attack. To me it just auto releases and does the same damage listed in the combat log.

    Combat log no longer tells us we parried an attack.

  5. #5
    I've patched and restarted the Test Server:

    1) About the 'power attack': I'm not very convinced about it either. For the next public patch I will leave the regular swing power 'charged attack' until I can either improve a form of power attack (or attacks) or add some special hot key attacks.

    2) Looting revenants: I fixed the problem with the menu. Please check and confirm.

    3) About mouse combat: Ok, I will leave it on for now although it does get in the way of me cleaning up the combat code.

    4) Lower base damage on weapons: Yes, I reduced base damage a few weeks ago as requested in the previous feedback threads. I adjusted Santa's Big Helper with this patch. It's not intended to be a better weapon, it just gets overlooked as it's not in the same section of the data as the other weapons.

    5) Combat log defense messages: I fixed these so they should display again. I had made a mistake while removing an unnecessary old line of code.

    6) Hot key special attacks: I will try setting some of these up later (not for the upcoming Pets patch).

    7) Combat delay: I also can't notice a difference so I will completely remove it. It's just complicating a section of the combat code.

    8) Damage on the power attack: There was a mistake in the code. I fixed it so this should be correct now.

    Edited to add:

    9) Regarding increasing armor durability: I'm thinking the most logical thing to do is add a factor to the armor types that reduces the % of durability that is decreased with each hit. This factor can be greater for bone armor, less for leather, less for cloth and least for grass. That would make bone armor more desirable for tanking.

    Last edited by Xsyon; 06-30-2020 at 11:00 PM.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Xsyon View Post
    8) Damage on the power attack: There was a mistake in the code. I fixed it so this should be correct now.

    Edited to add:

    9) Regarding increasing armor durability: I'm thinking the most logical thing to do is add a factor to the armor types that reduces the % of durability that is decreased with each hit. This factor can be greater for bone armor, less for leather, less for cloth and least for grass. That would make bone armor more desirable for tanking.


    Damage on power attack is working again.

    Yeah anyway you do it is fine.

    I would like to see QL effect Durability more. It seems like its not even an effect at all only the mat types. But that's another topic.

  7. #7
    2) Yes, revenants can now be looted again. I realized that the small "Loot" button is now at top of the screen and can easily been overlooked. But I think it corresponds to the dissecting of dead animals so will quickly get used to it.

    I cannot say anything about the other combat parts, I don't use the combat tab in the chat window and I am no power-player.

    Thank you very much for your constant work to improve things!

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Xsyon View Post
    I've patched and restarted the Test Server:

    4) Lower base damage on weapons: Yes, I reduced base damage a few weeks ago as requested in the previous feedback threads. I adjusted Santa's Big Helper with this patch. It's not intended to be a better weapon, it just gets overlooked as it's not in the same section of the data as the other weapons.

    9) Regarding increasing armor durability: I'm thinking the most logical thing to do is add a factor to the armor types that reduces the % of durability that is decreased with each hit. This factor can be greater for bone armor, less for leather, less for cloth and least for grass. That would make bone armor more desirable for tanking.

    So after more testing and thought into it, we need crafted weapons to last a lot longer. Because mutants will have so much HP, while not using founders/guide weapons, you lose so much durability on them.

    I would say at least 10x more dura on them. It was already a major issue before most long term players use the unlimited weapon because of this, but not it's going to be exacerbated with mutants higher HP.

  9. #9
    Also think mutant HP is a bit to high now due to the fact we are doing 20% less damage per attack.

    Lowering HP on mutants by 20% should do the trick.

  10. #10
    I'm restarting the Test Server with the build I plan to patch to the public on Tuesday.

    It has the following changes:

    1) Armor and weapon decay in combat reduced. Weapon type affects decay (heavier weapons being more durable). Armor type also effects decay (even though currently armor types have different durability I think this additional adjustment will help make some armor more 'tank' armor).

    2) Quality of weapons and armor also affects combat decay.

    3) I removed the 100 ms delay completely.

    4) HP on mutants, reduced.

    Although I did start setting up some potential hot key type of attacks, they won't be part of the upcoming build so these are not available for testing yet.

    If you guys find any combat issues that should be addressed still for the upcoming patch, let me know.


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