I've patched the Test Server.

1) No taming revenants for now, sorry. I want to have that as part of a 'necromancy' skill and it wouldn't make sense to add them until I've finished pets attacking creatures. It's just too much additional work to do for this first Pets patch.

2) Lower skill for the Gadu Stables: Makes sense, I've lowered the required skill to 20.

3) Showing pet blocked by totem / marker. I've removed the marker and patched correct stables models. That was just a placeholder to indicate that the frame was a stable.

4) Showing multiple pets in a stable: Right now you can just show one pet per stable. I will adjust this based on creature sizes (not for the first Pets patch though, it will come in a second update).

5) Feeding Panel: Well, the idea is that players won't have to open their bags and click and drag. What I set up is meant to simplify feeding by showing only food items and allowing players to click the food item instead of dragging and dropping to select it.

I could improve this a bit. I'm thinking I could just show the food items and the player can click to feed from the icons directly, instead of selection a food, then selecting the chosen food to use. This would remove a step, but you would always see the rows of icons with various foods, instead of the single top icon.

The main reason I set things up the way they are now though is to simplify the process for players that will be feeding using the same food repeatedly.

6) Moving the food selection panels together: I've set this up for this build. Please check and let me know if it works ok.

7) Unable to click on the taming head icon: Can you try through Steam? What is your resolution? I'm thinking some file is corrupt.

8) Double right clicking an animal to bring up the Tame and Feed options: Do you mean the actual animal? If you can reproduce this, can you take a video of it?
