Quote Originally Posted by Wyry View Post
This is weird ... my answer is not displayed anymore? Sorry if I post twice ... wish I could remember what I have written ...

I like the new interface very much and I fully agree to what MrDDT wrote.

1) The possibility to put the weapons directly into the slots where they stay usable without switching is definitely a big improvement. However, I have put the Santas big helper into the 2nd slot but I am unable to replace it with another weapon or to move it back into my backpack. When I first logged in to the test server today, I still had the packs window open and have put the santas big helper in the hand there instead of in the action bar. Maybe this is the reason for not being able to remove the santas big helper from slot 2 again??? It is no longer in the pouch in which I had it up to now.

2) I do not use the special attacks and would like to place the foraging and scavenging icons into slots 3 and 4 instead. But as MrDDT wrote, best option would be to make all the keys defineable by the user.

3) Foraging and Scavenging are actions for me, while grass, twigs, granite etc are resources. I therefore would prefer to have the actions split off from the resources.

Your other changes you plan to make sound very good, I am looking forward to testing them

There currently are no special attacks. So no one currently using them. I do agree we should be able to change them around how we see fit though.