We tested the party feature today and it seems to be working properly now. Can invite more than 2, and get told the party is full if you try to invite a 6th. Anyone in the group can invite, party chat worked, etc. Looks good. Tho when one member of the group logs out, the whole party gets disbanded.

Was finally able to find a legendary and named it without trouble. No error and no stuck panel.

All containers are closed when I log back in, so hopefully no more lost items in phantom bags. I don't mind having to reopen bags, but do kinda wish the map stayed open. I forget often to open it til I need it and usually that need is....I'm dead and want to know where I was. Can't open it at that point. lol

Far as I can tell, all the fixes seem to be good.

Something I did want to mention about stables. I just found out they need to be on the ground. I learned this only after laying it out on a cantilever and floor, (trying to save myself some terraforming in the snow). It was appropriately yellow when supported properly, and then turned white/valid when I built the cantilever and floor, but when I went to build it I got the error 'Must be built on the ground level.'

I don't necessarily like that requirement, but can understand it. However, if it's going to stay that way, the structure should be red if it isn't on the ground since it's not a valid placement. Thankfully I tried it with just the first before I went through and build my whole line of cantilevers for the stables as was my plan.