Tried out ranged combat. Crafting bow went fine. Problems started when combat started.

Going into combat with a bow locked the cross hairs (ok the small square) behind my character's left ear. The target was near impossible to see as my head was in the way. Switching to first person camera wasn't a help as the bow blocked the view of the target.

Running in ranged combat mode stopped animation and sunk my character below ground up to his shoulders.

Switching from ranged to melee combat is problematical. It is possible to have a weapon in the right hand and bow in the left, but to switch to melee you have to exit combat and drag the bow back to a bag then reenter combat. This makes dropping the bow by accident a possibility. Actually dropped (with no confirmation) both the bow and a preorder mutilator just playing around with the melee slots in a safe place. Trying to do this in combat with something trying to chew my face is a sure way to loose one or more weapons.

A possible solution would be to have slot(s) for preferred melee weapon(s) and ranged weapon together with separate keys for ranged and melee combat.

Playing around with 3rd and 1st person camera views, I got into something like "axial view." In this mode the only keys that worked were escape, "c" which rotated the camera clockwise and "v" which moved the PoV below the terrain mesh. Reloging didn't fix this problem, I had to completely exit.