The Test Server is running the build I plan to patch publicly this week. This includes a few minor changes:

1) Arrows are crafted 10 at a time instead of 5.

2) You can rotate upwards at a greater angle during combat in order to allow the character to shoot up at creatures more.

3) There is a setting for the camera offset. This setting as well as the ping and hp display settings should save to the saved settings file.

4) I had thought of recoverable arrows (auto recovery actually) but it's just an extra complication. If I add this later, arrows will degrade instead of having a one time use and will auto recover after being shot. For this patch though, arrows won't be recoverable.

5) Crafting needs to be checked. I am working on a revised crafting panel. The new panel is currently switched off but I made some changes to the crafting functions to accommodate the new panel, so crafting should be checked to make sure it's all working properly.

That's all for now. Thanks!