Quote Originally Posted by rhinno View Post
1-So....Can my toon learn all the skills to max? And what is max? 100?

2-How many toons can I make if just 1 cant learn them all?

3-Is there a mining option? Like, can I mine ore? I found rock I could pick up and use to make tools. But i didnt know if I could find ore and mine it to make metal gear?

Everything that Wyry has said is correct 100%. I did want to add that having all the skills on toon is very good however, skill is not the only limiting factoring on doing something very well. Stats have a major effect on how well a crafted item/resource turns out.
You are limited in stats on having max stats to only 7 of the 8 stats. So some skills will be best done on a second account if you are going for the best of the best.

If you are like me a player that likes to play at the highest end. I highly suggest having 2 toons. (Which is 2 accounts as there is only 1 toon per account currently).

I tend to make one too my INT toon and my other toon my non INT toon. My non INT toon is my main while my INT is normally stays in the base and does all the INT crafting/gathering stuff.