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  1. #1

    02/01/2022 - Feedback Request - War System - Test Server

    The War System that was proposed and discussed years ago is mostly implemented and running on the Test Server!

    The system is not quite ready for full testing but players are welcome to start checking things out. I will update this post when I feel the system is complete enough for heavy testing.

    War System:

    - Tribes are allowed control over an entire region. To control a region they must have their Tribe within the region and then place 3 control totems within the region. Regions are the natural underlying territories such as Zephyr, King Beach, Crystal, etc.

    - Currently any Tribe can place control totems. Only the Tribe Leader can place the totems but all Tribe members can see the current state and location of these totems in the Tribe panel, Totems tab.

    - Control totems claim a small plot of land, 30x30 meters. They must be placed under the following conditions:

    -- Control totems must be in the same Region as the claiming Tribe.
    -- Control totems must be X meters away from each other. (currently 50m for testing)
    -- Control totems must be X meters away from all tribes. (currently 50m for testing)
    -- All 3 totems must be placed within X minutes of the first totem being placed. If the final totem is not placed within the time limits, the totems expire and are removed.

    - After 3 control totems are placed, the totems and their associated lands enter a Preparation phase. During this phase, the claiming Tribe can safely build walls to protect their totems.

    - At the end of the Preparation phase, the control totems and their associated lands enter the first Claiming Contested phase. During this phase, enemy Tribes can attack and destroy control totems and any buildings on their associated lands. If any of the control totems survives this phase, the Region is claimed.

    - Once or twice a week control totems become Contested for a certain period of time (an hour). The Tribe Leader will be able to specify the time when a totem becomes Contested. If the Tribe Leader does not specify a time within a week of the last Contested period, the totems will automatically become Contested one week from the previous period.

    - While Contested, players from other tribes can attack the control totems and destroy them. The goal during a battle would be to kill off your enemy while your tribe mates remain alive to protect the control totems.

    - If all three control totems are destroyed, the Region becomes unclaimed and the attacking Tribe or Tribes can try to place new control totems to claim the Region.

    - If even one control totem remains intact after the Contested period, the controlling Tribe retains power over the Region.

    - If you are within a Region that your Tribe controls, you receive a ‘In Tribal Region’ buff. This buff will also apply to your Tribe's Allies.

    - Control of a Region gives the Tribe and its Allies resource bonuses. Tribe members and Allies get:
    -- 2x amount of scavenged resources
    -- + 10 bonus to quality level (but not exceeding the max quality)
    -- Increased chance of finding rare materials (Not yet set up)


    - Keeping control over a Region will require some form of upkeep resources. This will be done through the Town panel.

    - I am thinking of setting Contested Regions to be full loot PvP to add additional risk to these battles.

    - Controlled Regions will give a chance for extremely rare materials or resources that would only be found on controlled Regions.

    - Allowing all players to build ramps and platforms (to get over walls) when control totems are Contested. (I’m not decided on this yet as you will be able to destroy buildings to get through them).


    The things listed in 'enhancements' above are not set up yet.

    Currently I've patched only destructible walls. I haven't yet patched the models for Mason and Gadu walls. Not all architecture parts will be attackable. I don't think frames, for example need to be destructible as characters can pass easily through them. Especially at first, I will probably limit what architecture parts can be build on the control totem areas just to simplify things.

    I haven't set up the Region buff to apply to Allies yet.

    Questions for Players:

    - How long should the initial Placement phase last? I think this should not be long, just long enough for players to run around a Region and get things started.

    - How long should the initial Preparation phase last? This should be long enough for players to build some defenses.

    - How long should the initial Contested Claiming phase last? This should be the same time as the normal Contested phase I think.

    - How often should control totems become Contested? I am leaning towards just once a week to start off with.

    - For how long should control totems become Contested?

    I hope you all enjoy this system and all feedback is welcome!

  2. #2
    - How long should the initial Placement phase last? I think this should not be long, just long enough for players to run around a Region and get things started.

    --i think 30 Minutes for each Totem after setting the first totem

    - How long should the initial Preparation phase last? This should be long enough for players to build some defenses.

    ---90 Minutes

    - How long should the initial Contested Claiming phase last? This should be the same time as the normal Contested phase I think.
    --- 2 days

    - How often should control totems become Contested? I am leaning towards just once a week to start off with.
    --- my suggestion would be 1 time

    - For how long should control totems become Contested?
    -----90 Minutes (a footballgame lasts 2x45 minutes)
    Last edited by Whorlok; 02-04-2022 at 09:27 AM.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Xsyon View Post
    - Control of a Region gives the Tribe and its Allies resource bonuses. Tribe members and Allies get:
    -- 2x amount of scavenged resources
    -- + 10 bonus to quality level (but not exceeding the max quality)
    -- Increased chance of finding rare materials (Not yet set up)
    Okay, please hear me out, What if the tribe could change the region pvp rules for when the zone is controlled but NOT contested?

    So for example the a tribe successfully has taken control of a area, they pay the upkeep and can flip the region rules for pvp between something like pvp-full loot, pvp-some loot, pvp-no loot and even no pvp?

    then players could make regions that while they get a lot of benefits from, everyone that plays also gets the same benefit(or detriment).

    Then if another tribe/person doesnt like that tribe/person camping out and controlling a region they can attack them to challenge the claim.

    This lets us setup safe zones and prevent them from forming because in either case you need to establish and hold a claim.

    you could have a feature like declare war on another tribe which means that you intend to attack their claims, maybe you pay some fee to do this and then when they are up for attack they go into contest and throw the region into chaos and everyone can go purge mode on each other as it defaults back to its original rule....

    or if no one does the regions/claims are left alone..

    then the good players would probably huddle around the lake or at least one side of it. while the evil players would huddle around them or the other side...

    I guess i could just instead ask "Can you make it so when you are in a ‘In Tribal Region’ buff area you cant be harmed by other players... except this doesn't do anything to really encourage more people to cooperate...

    I really would have loved to seen the war server turned into the peace server because the players worked towards a goal that forces all of the fighting to happen on the outskirts.

    Questions for Players:

    - How long should the initial Placement phase last? I think this should not be long, just long enough for players to run around a Region and get things started.

    something like 1-2 hours

    - How long should the initial Preparation phase last? This should be long enough for players to build some defenses.

    again something like 1-2 hours total

    - How long should the initial Contested Claiming phase last? This should be the same time as the normal Contested phase I think.
    1-2 days

    - How often should control totems become Contested? I am leaning towards just once a week to start off with.
    once ever 1-2 weeks

    - For how long should control totems become Contested?

    1-2 hours

    This is going based of my play experiences with eve online.
    Last edited by xyberviri; 02-04-2022 at 09:06 AM.

  4. #4

    - Keeping control over a Region will require some form of upkeep resources. This will be done through the Town panel.
    -------------This is perfect...low level crafted things or resourcen (for new player with low skills)

    - I am thinking of setting Contested Regions to be full loot PvP to add additional risk to these battles.
    -----------this is good...full loot PVE Player can settle manuell wanted PVP in her world

    - Controlled Regions will give a chance for extremely rare materials or resources that would only be found on controlled Regions.
    ----extremly rare materials
    ----to make it even more interesting for the players after each change to save phase a highend revenant with a boss weapon and highend armor spawns directly at the three totems. So practically at the same time highend bosses for the players to have additional fun. Maximum then 3 boss revenant very very hard to kill...with allways different random boss power) for 3 totems.
    Why this?..Players will always have new bosses in the world that appear in random power and armor at each totem.
    So you have now created with this area totem a territory control and also a repeatedly generated ENDGAME with high-end bosses and that generated by the players!
    If necessary, players can specify with a query whether it should be for Territorycontrol or World Boss Creator this whole system

    - Allowing all players to build ramps and platforms (to get over walls) when control totems are Contested. (I’m not decided on this yet as you will be able to destroy buildings to get through them).
    -----Not allowing building ramps and platforms

  5. #5

    Controlled Zone in Map

    I do not know if it is possible to program when a guild has set the totem and has taken the area should be displayed on the map with the color in which players have set the totem! That is, each totem has an additional 3 boxes for 3 parties where you can set a hook. So guilds can decide for which faction you fight! It is thus possible to open the map daily and see how the battle situation stands and guilds can make tactical plans.
    So to set totems (variable A-->guild name) and 3 boxes for the 3 enemy factions (variable 1--->green color faction/2 red color faction or 3 blue color faction)!
    If then an area is occupied by a guild (variable A and 1 color green faction= A1) is then displayed in the respective zone A1 (guild name and color)
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	xsyon_world_grid_test.jpg 
Views:	806 
Size:	1.16 MB 
ID:	799  

  6. #6
    PROGRAMMING EXAMPLE 2.part: The map contains all guild names with the variables "A" (guild name) and the marked colored faction (1,2or3) in each zone of the map. Once a zone is taken by a variable, for example "A1", this zone is replaced in the map with this guild name and color.

  7. #7

    Wall BUG

    when destroying a wall remain wood scrap visually!
    when you stand in the pile you can no longer get out. Also a /unstuck says that objects are in the way

    2.point after the enemy has destroyed all 3 totems the timer for SAVE Zone and UNSAFE is still running and the displays at the totems are still active with the SAVES and UNSAFES.
    The minimap still shows the guild name that has taken the region even though all 3 totems are destroyed.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	wartotemWALL.jpg 
Views:	705 
Size:	1,016.5 KB 
ID:	800  

  8. #8
    how does an attacking player even know about which or where contested totems have been placed ? is it announced ?
    is it on the map ?

    How do you know which zones they are in ?

    Also this feature is exclusive to the War Server ?

    or are you bringing it to the PVE server ?
    Last edited by chojinuk; 02-07-2022 at 05:01 PM.

  9. #9
    i placed 3 war totems but i could not build any walls, i could place a mason wall but there were no options to move it or build it.

  10. #10
    Regarding a larger map displaying what Tribe has ownership of each Region, I plan to do this but likely it will come after I publicly release the first version of this War System.

    Quote Originally Posted by Whorlok
    when destroying a wall remain wood scrap visually!
    Yes, that's how it should be. I will set up restoring / rebuilding actions for destroyed building parts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Whorlok
    when you stand in the pile you can no longer get out. Also a /unstuck says that objects are in the way
    This should be fixed now as I removed collision from destroyed building parts entirely. I think that will work better for battles.

    Quote Originally Posted by Whorlok
    after the enemy has destroyed all 3 totems the timer for SAVE Zone and UNSAFE is still running and the displays at the totems are still active with the SAVES and UNSAFES.
    The minimap still shows the guild name that has taken the region even though all 3 totems are destroyed.
    Hmmm, please check this again. Did this happen when totems were in the first Contested / Claiming phase or during a regular Vulnerable phase after the Region has been claimed?

    If you can repeat this with the current update, please let me know and give me the location of the totems so that I can check them.

    Quote Originally Posted by chojinuk
    how does an attacking player even know about which or where contested totems have been placed ?
    The way it is right now players would have to explore to see what Regions have been conquered. For the initial conquering I can set up in game announcements. I could also set up announcements for when Regions go vulnerable and safe.

    I guess I could add the actual zone numbers in the announcements.

    I would like to set up an overall map so that players can see conquered and contested Regions better. I've started working on a larger map system but that's a work in progress right now (as I've been setting it up to basically display the current terrain including player modifications and tribes and that's a bit tricky).

    Quote Originally Posted by chojinuk
    Also this feature is exclusive to the War Server ?

    Quote Originally Posted by chojinuk
    I placed 3 war totems but i could not build any walls, i could place a mason wall but there were no options to move it or build it.
    This should work correctly now. I hadn't finished updating building permissions on the new War Totem lands but I patched an update earlier today.


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