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  1. #1
    I am in zone 712, 713, 752 in that area and I have noticed very few animals. I see some dogs, a cat, and a few rodents but no big animals. Just wanted to let ya know there isnt a lot of animals out there

    by the way LOVE THE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for all the hard work you do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. #2
    I'm still loving exploring the new lands. Very impressive.

    I noticed some "display" issues with both the Mist Trader and the Crafting Menu.

    (1) When I first open the Mist Trader the menu that comes up comes up behind the menu for the tent used to open the trader. (2) The top of the window that open seems to cut off the part that says who I am trading with, it says, "Tradi" and ends. (3) When you go to "select tribe" I have to click the tribe to the right of the tribe I want to select, click Pioneers to select Bamati. (4) I have not used the Mist Trader much, so not sure what is available but I seem to only be getting Mason BPs.

    (5) The crafting menu is not showing how many materials you need until you load the materials. So you don't know how much grass you need to make a gift basket until you load the grass into the project.

    Thanks for all your hard work for a great game.

  3. #3

    Tree not falling

    I had the problem of the tree not falling after being chopped again today. This happened in Zone 707 at 250.34 x 329.83, it was a willow tree. When I logged out and back in, the willow tree was gone, I then cut another nearby tree with no problems. Prior to this tree, I had cut two others in the same area with no problems. I had also cut other trees in different areas with no problems. Hope this helps.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xsyon View Post
    I've patched a quick update to fix the following issues:

    a report of fallen trees not appearing correctly that I haven't yet been able to reproduce. I'll continue working on that today.

    If there's anything else, please let me know.


  4. #4
    I've patched a fix for issues cutting down trees. Hopefully there are no more issues with trees, but if there are please let me know.


  5. #5
    The Test Server has fixes for the following:

    1) Offset on the Mist Trader tribe selection.

    2) Many regions had incorrectly assigned region types for scavenging, that's been fixed. (Basically there was an offset that needed to be removed that was affecting this and the Mist Trader).

    3) Crafting recipes should show the material counts without loading materials.

    Regarding the amount of creatures per zone, I will increase the limits so that areas get more populated. If a zone only has small creatures it's probably an easy danger zone. The zone types are spread out so there are 'easy' hubs around the map surrounded by medium, then hard and extreme regions around the edges. Anyways, I will be increasing the number of creatures on the Test Server first to make sure everything runs efficiently first.


  6. #6
    All three seem to be working for me on the Test Server. On the regular server I get Gadu in the Heavenly region and on the Test Server I get Mason. The number of mats show up for me now and the Mist Tribe selection is working.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xsyon View Post
    The Test Server has fixes for the following:

    1) Offset on the Mist Trader tribe selection.

    2) Many regions had incorrectly assigned region types for scavenging, that's been fixed. (Basically there was an offset that needed to be removed that was affecting this and the Mist Trader).

    3) Crafting recipes should show the material counts without loading materials.

    Regarding the amount of creatures per zone, I will increase the limits so that areas get more populated. If a zone only has small creatures it's probably an easy danger zone. The zone types are spread out so there are 'easy' hubs around the map surrounded by medium, then hard and extreme regions around the edges. Anyways, I will be increasing the number of creatures on the Test Server first to make sure everything runs efficiently first.


  7. #7
    If i switch the interface to active mode there are a few instances i've noticed where it reverts back to passive mode behavior, even though the configuration under interface still says active mode.
    - Any time I hit 'esc' to load the menu that has options on it
    - when you die
    - when pressing alt + tab to switch active windows
    I've tried changing the config to passive mode and closing the options screen and then back to active mode but the behavior remains in passive mode. The only way I can get it to return to active mode behavior is to logout and back in again.

    Also while this next item isn't necessarily a bug it is a nuisance. With the interface configured to use a radial menu if i've highlighted something you can interact with with my mouse there doesn't appear to be any way to get the radial menu to close.
    For example:
    With the radial menu in active mode I would press 'e' to interact with a tent and then 'r' to open the inventory on the tent. If I press 'r' again I get a message that the inventory is already open but if I rotate so i'm no longer highlighting anything that can be interacted with, like the ground, pressing 'e' closes the radial menu.

    There should be a way to close the radial menu while still having the tent, or whatever i've interacted with, selected without needing to unselect it first. It would also be nice if there was an option to close the inventory i just opened from the menu.

    Configuring it so the same button I used to open the inventory, or whatever window it opened, closes it when it's already open would be intuitive and you seem to be checking for this state already.
    As far as closing the radial menu the button I used to open it 'e' seems to be the most intuitive.
    A separate option on the menu would also make sense but it's common for the 'esc' key to be expected to close whatever interface element you opened so it would be good for that to close it as well.
    An another alternative option for closing the radial menu that seems intuitive is clicking anywhere that's not an option on the radial menu however it doesn't seem like that would work very well as currently clicking with the radial menu open interacts with whatever is in the world behind the menu.
    Last edited by aulus; 05-20-2022 at 06:07 PM.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by aulus View Post
    If i switch the interface to active mode there are a few instances i've noticed where it reverts back to passive mode behavior, even though the configuration under interface still says active mode.

    I haven't quite finished the active mode interactions (basically as you noted there are too many actions that still automatically switch you to passive mode. Also, the radial menu is in progress still. Once these things are more finalized I will post here and we can check that everything is working properly.


  9. #9
    Quest totems, as well as the tutorial panels, have the texts broken. For the tutorial, the texts go humorously out of the whole panel, making it difficult to read or keep up with. For the quest totems, the descriptions cut off after the first line, unfortunately making my humorous description go to waste.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by legend552 View Post
    Quest totems, as well as the tutorial panels, have the texts broken. For the tutorial, the texts go humorously out of the whole panel, making it difficult to read or keep up with. For the quest totems, the descriptions cut off after the first line, unfortunately making my humorous description go to waste.
    Do you see this every time you log in or just sometimes (or just once)?

    I've seen this issue before but it happens very sporadically when for some reason the formatting of text doesn't work.

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